Fibromyalgia and Edema

Overview of Fibromyalgia and Edema

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a health condition in which researchers believe the brain magnifies the sensation of pain that is really suffered.

This pain is known to be musculoskeletal and devoid of any type of trigger. The pain is likewise usually associated with other conditions like fatigue, anxiety, headaches, depression, etc.

It is commonest in individuals that have encountered stress and tension of some kind: actual physical discomfort, infection, or even psychological trauma.

Fibromyalgia is a health-related problem that is marked by long, boundless pain in the body. Fibromyalgia pain may develop concurrently in several spots.

In addition to the pain, the symptoms of fibromyalgia comprise fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pain in specific eighteen tender points and anxiety.

Edema is typically characterized by swelling of the affected parts of the body. In case, you or a certain person you know may have suffered swollen legs and ankles, you undoubtedly understand how it hurts.

The swelling, known as edema, is caused by fluid retention in the gaps between the body cells.

Edema is a health condition that is marked by deposits and retention of too much water in specific parts of the body.

Excluding the blood vessels, water is found in cells and the interstitial spaces between the cells of the body.

High levels of salt in the body also augment the water retention, hence resulting in swelling in the affected region.

Health problem is usually believed to exist in the other vital organs of the body such as the abdomen, or the peritoneal cavity of the chest. Pulmonary edema is the state in which the fluid gets amassed in the lungs.


As discussed above, there are no concrete causes of fibromyalgia which has been found. However, the following are some conditions that could possibly cause fibromyalgia.

It is also discovered that this persistent pain is notably prone to be caused by not one element but a combination of many causative factors, both emotional and physical as well.

The most probable causes of this condition are genetics and heredity, brain chemistry and hormones, a muscular anomaly.

The following are the probable causes of swelling in the Legs experienced by edema patients.

Heart malfunction: The level of edema in legs and ankles is determined by the capability of the heart to pump out blood.

If the heart fails to pump out more blood, kidneys are likely to retain the fluid. This results in edema in the legs and ankles.

Kidney Disease: Individuals suffering from kidney problems may maybe prone to edema. If a kidney fails to function effectively, salts are retained in the body. This leads to water retention and consequently swelling.

Lymphedema: Lymphatic hindrance often results in swelling in one of the legs. In exceptional situations, swelling in both legs can be noticed.

An inhibition or impediment in the lymphatic system causes retention of lymphatic fluid in the legs. The abscess in legs and ankles due to lymphedema can be mild to severe.

Lung Diseases: Intense and persistent lung diseases for example bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may cause swelling in the legs.

There exists a restricted flow of blood in the vessels of the lungs, which leads to swelling in many parts of the body such as legs and ankles.

Sunburn: This is caused due to severe exposure to sunlight. Intense sunshine causes redness and inflammation in the surface layers of the skin. Sunburn is one of the well-known causes of swelling in the legs and ankles.

Hormonal Alterations: During women’s monthly period, swelling is observed in the pelvic cavity and legs due to alterations in some specific hormones. Nonetheless, only a few women get caught up with this symptom.

Pregnancy: Repeatedly, there is a swelling in the legs and ankles while pregnant. The fluid is stored in the tissues due to a tweak in the blood the chemical processes.

Moreover, the growing uterus puts the sizably large amount of pressure upon the pelvic veins, which may lead to swelling. Swollen legs and ankles are normally observed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Obesity: Overweight persons are more prone to suffer swollen legs. Excessive pressure on the blood vessels in the legs simply because excess body weight leads to inadequate blood flow and swelling results in feet and ankles.

Varicose Veins: While standing or sitting, valves within the veins stabilize the blood flow in legs and ankles against the gravitational force of the earth.

However, lengthened standing or sitting may lead to swelling in the legs and ankles. What is often accountable for this, are Knotty or swollen varicose veins.

Medicinal drugs: Some medicines result in water retention in our bodies. Oral contraceptives having estrogen as well as progesterone, blood pressure pharmaceuticals, a few antidepressants, oral corticosteroids, and testosterone are some of the culprits known for causing swelling in the legs and ankles.

Other Causes: Serious injury to legs, insect bites, aging, certain chronic diseases, malnutrition, and standing or walking for an extended period of time in extreme weather, are some of the other triggers of swollen legs and ankles.

Fibromyalgia and Edema


Fibromyalgia is still considered a mystifying disorder, with practically no strong evidence to establish the precise causes, and the treatment is usually targeted towards relieving the pain.

There may be drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxers, antidepressants, etc., that will be prescribed as medication.

Along with them, treatments like physical therapy and exercise, and following a fibromyalgia diet can also help.

The patient will be advised with behavioral therapy, and good education on coping with the pain, etc.

Treatment for fibromyalgia is not really direct but it is aimed at managing the symptoms and enhancing the overall health and well-being.

Medication, exercise, and cognitive-behavioral healing procedures can be applied for handling this medical condition.

Factors, like anxiety, intense stress, and tiredness, deskbound lifestyle, weather changes, infections, etc., may make worse the symptoms.

So make sure to refrain from such factors. Briefly, maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle to control the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Not one single drug can be used to overcome the effects of fibromyalgia. However, some proven medications include painkillers, antidepressants, etc.

Some home therapy that can assist to lessen the swelling is as follows:

It is best to lie down and put your legs high up above your heart, for quite some time. This helps reduce greatly the quantity of fluid in the legs.

You may try out applying an ice pack on the swollen part from time to time to help reduce enlargement and ache or pain. One must exercise when applying this therapy not to excessively apply the ice pack.

You must exercise daily to reduce body weight. Healthy weight loss helps bolster the pumping activity of the heart. An anxiety-free way of living maintains heart health.

Dietary modifications may help in reducing the edema. Vitamin B6 helps to reduce water retention in the body.

It is found in brown rice and red meat as well. Vitamin B5, calcium and vitamin D help in the excretion of excess fluids.

A low-salt diet can help reduce the levels of salt in the body which, in turn, can help reduce water retention. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables can also help to some extent.

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