Genetic Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus

Genetic Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus

Rheumatoid Arthritis and lupus are two very common autoimmune disorders that can be debilitating to the person who is suffering.

While these conditions affect women greater than they affect men, both sexes are potentially in danger of developing one or both of the conditions.

While it is still unknown the exact causes of the conditions, scientists are researching and studying the condition more and more and have recently determined several genetic risk factors that signal a great risk of developing the condition.

Linking Components

It is believed that both diseases have strong genetic components. While researchers have been studying the genetic relationship for many years now they state that it is very difficult to link the two and to identify the genes that may be responsible for the occurrence of the conditions.

A recent study has provided some relief and some hope, however. The study was conducted by the Intramural Research Program and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

During this stud a total of 13 people were tested. There chromosome 2 region was tested. It had already been linked to RA before this study.

There were a number of different variants present during the study. These variants included single nucleotide polymorphisms and STAT 4. The STAT 4 plays a role in the regulation of cells inside of the immune system. It is a protein.

The study says that it is still too early to make the link between the two without question, however, the study shows that this plays a critical role in the immune system and the development of these conditions.

The study is not the first that has been conducted. In fact there have been many of the conducted over the years.

This study, however, has been the most beneficial of all since such amazing discoveries were made that linked genetic behavior to the condition.

Scientists and doctors are still very puzzled by the two conditions and the exact causes are unknown. These studies are helping doctors get to the bottom of things and put a finger on exactly what is causing the pain.

Genetic Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus

What you can do

RA is a condition that has been around for many years already. It affects millions of people around the world. It seems that women are affected more by the condition than men and it is believed that hormones play a role in this factor.

If you have RA or lupus the first thing that should be done is to make a visit to the doctor. The doctor can perform a number of tests that will provide you with an accurate diagnosis. In addition he can begin treating the conditions appropriately.

It is important the doctor visit be added as soon as possible after you feel that something is not right. Those who seek immediate medical attention have less consequences of the condition and also find that treatment is far easier.

Most of the damage that occurs to the joints with the conditions takes place within the first two years. If you are at the doctor before this time you will find  that the relief you need is much easier to attain.

The same rules apply for lupus, an equally painful and debilitating condition.

Treatment choices include:


OTC medications can be used to treat the conditions and if your pain is severe enough the doctor can also prescribe medications that are stronger to help provide you with relief.


Getting rest is critical in the treatment of both RA and lupus. This means that the area of the body that is being affected should be allowed time to rest when a flare up occurs.

Ice Packs:

Applying an ice pack to the affected area is a recommended treatment that provides fast results.  Using ice is a temporary thing, however and you cannot expect any long term results from doing this.

These are just some of the ways that you can treat RA and lupus

You should not delay talking to your doctor if you are affected by lupus or RA. The sooner that you talk to the doctor the sooner you can begin finding the right way to treat the condition and finally be able to relive your life the way that you want to live it. You do not have to live in pain and suffering if you do not want to.

Thanks to this new study doctors are one step closer to determining what actually causes these two conditions and the best ways that you an treat them. Do not miss out on this vital information.


  1. Rachael Mills

    My mum has Rheumatoid Arthritis though she manages it very well and visits her doctor when the need arises, does this mean I should also expect something like that since it might be genetic?

  2. So Lupus and RA are a lot alike? I always thought they were different and did different things. I had a friend growing up who found out she had Lupus when she was 16 and she still has issues with it. I do wonder if she would have went a more natural route, things may be different. No one in her family has it either.

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