Why Am I Not Losing Weight? Find Answers Now!

If you’ve been on a fat loss diet for quite some time now and are just not seeing the results that you had hoped for, you may be wondering, ‘why am I not losing weight?’

You can feel like you’re doing everything right, but yet, that weight is sticking to your body with no signs of leaving.

You haven’t lost a pound for at least a week and are feeling extremely frustrated at this point.

Many people as they go about the fat loss process do get stuck in what’s called a plateau and this is often the reason for the question, ‘why am I not losing weight’.

A plateau is essentially a point where your body has adapted to the diet that you’ve been giving it and no longer sees a reason to lose any further body fat.

Fortunately, you can get past this and start losing weight again if you know the right approach.

Let’s go over what you need to know to get your fat loss back on track so that you can start losing weight once again.

Count Your Calories

The very first thing that you’ll want to make sure you are doing is counting your calories.

If you’ve been letting yourself slide a little as you go about your diet, not measuring out your food or tracking as carefully, this could be the answer to the question, ‘why am I not losing weight’.

Many people start out following a very strict diet approach, making sure they are taking in the perfect amount of calories each and every day, but then as time passes on, they let things slide and before they know it, they are no longer seeing success any longer.

Whether it’s half a sandwich that your child brought home from school with them or a quarter of a cookie that you ate off your co-worker’s desk, these little bits will add up and could entirely remove the deficit that you were using with your diet plan.

If you eat 200 or more calories per day over what you were supposed to be eating, you can rest assured this is going to influence the progress you are making.

Have A High-Calorie Weekend

The second reason why you may not be losing weight as you had hoped you would is that your metabolism is stuck in slow mode.

This occurs when you are using a very low-calorie diet and your body begins to adapt to it. Your body has very strong defensive mechanisms built in to prevent starvation and when you are using such a low-calorie intake, the body literally does feel like it’s starving itself.

In order to boost the metabolism again so that fat loss can carry on, you should spike your calorie intake for a two day period.

Eating far greater than maintenance level, with the vast majority of the calories that you consume coming from carbohydrate sources will help to ‘reset’ many of the fat-burning hormones in the body, allowing your metabolism to speed up again so that you can continue to see fat loss success.

Once you finish this two day period and then move right back down to your usual diet plan, you should notice that you immediately begin burning up calories faster than before and start seeing weight loss moving along again.

Many people completely avoid taking the diet break they should be with their programs simply because of the fact they are worried a higher calorie intake for a few days is really going to set them back.

Get this fear out of your mind.

Two days at a higher calorie intake isn’t going to cause any problems to your diet progress as long as you get right back on track after. In fact, it’s likely to only help the process along.

Check Your Nutrient Ratios

The next thing to look at if you find yourself asking the question, ‘why am I not losing weight’, is what your current nutrient ratios are.

How many grams of proteins, carbs, and fats are you eating – and are they appropriate for the diet plan you are aiming to follow?

Some people are not getting in enough protein on a day to day basis and that is why they aren’t seeing the process they desire.

In other cases, you may be taking in too many carbohydrates and too few dietary fats and that is leading you to make much slower progress than you could otherwise be.

Assess how the structure of your diet is and then see if you can’t make some changes there. Sometimes all it takes to get seeing results again is a little tinkering here and there with your ratios.

Do this and you should find yourself seeing greater success.

Re-Assess Your Target Calorie Intake

Finally, the last thing that you should be doing if you are stuck and wondering why you aren’t losing weight is to re-assess your calorie intake.

If you’ve lost 10-20 pounds, the reason you may not be losing any further fat is that you are now eating at a maintenance level.

You need to remember that as you move along with your diet and you start losing body fat, your calorie requirements will go down, so your diet needs to be adjusted accordingly.

If you can’t remember the last time you assessed your calorie intake to make sure it was still appropriate for your weight with regards to producing fat loss, this is likely the reason you aren’t seeing success.

You may need to lower your calorie intake down further than where it was before so that you can see progress start up again.

So there you have the primary answers to the question, ‘why am I not losing weight’.

If you can see yourself in any of these, you can make some simple changes and likely get right back on track to seeing the results you’re searching for again.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight

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