Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder characterized by being unable to fall asleep, unable to stay asleep or a combination of both. Individuals with insomnia will either have extremely poor-quality sleep or not even get enough at all. As a result, they don’t feel refreshed when they wake. This […]
Sleep Disorders
Improve your Child’s Behavior when They’re not Sleep Deprived
Obstructive sleep apnea in children is a very serious condition that can cause a multitude of problems for the affected child. It is reported that children who suffer from sleep apnea do poorly in school, get into more conflicts and have a harder time paying attention to details. All of […]
4 Real Symptoms Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Knowing the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea can change your life! This condition is very hard to diagnose. The usual symptoms take place when you’re fast asleep, and those that you do notice are often mistaken for other problems. When you are aware of the condition of sleep apnea, the […]
Primary Hypersomnia: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments
Everyone loves having the time to take a nap, so it can be hard to imagine what would be so bad about having a condition like primary hypersomnia and napping a lot. Unfortunately, primary hypersomnia is a very disruptive condition. The good news is it is very rare. People who […]
Chronic sleep deprivation – How lack of sleep can eat your mind and body health
May times in a day we realize that we don’t find enough waking time to fulfill our daily needs and responsibilities. Shift work, family and social responsibilities, long commutes and emails etc. eat up a lot of our waking hours and thus to have some leisure time, we cut down […]
Are You Tired? Know the Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a very common health condition experienced by millions of people around the world. There are several types of the medical condition that can affect an individual, but of them it is obstructive sleep apnea that is the most common, as well as oftentimes the most serious. Obstructive […]
9 Myths about Sleep Deprivation That Might Be Keeping You Up
There are many myths about insomnia and sleep deprivation that aren’t going to help you to get your sleep back on track. Before you launch off to follow a home remedy for insomnia or interrupted sleep, it pays to check your facts. There are a few reputable places on the […]
Sleep Deprivation EEG – knowing your brain while you sleep
What is sleep deprivation? Studies prove that six to seven hours of sleep in a day is required by an average adult for normal health and daytime functioning. But if due to certain factors, a person is not able to get this minimum amount of sleep, then he or she […]
What Medication for Hypersomnia is available?
If you have been diagnosed with hypersomnia you may be wondering what treatments are available and what medication for hypersomnia is available too. Unfortunately, there is no specific medication developed for this disorder, but there are several existing medications that have proven to help some people manage or control their […]
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with Apnea
This is a very common sleep disorder in which the individual has one- or multiple- pauses in their breathing, or even breathes shallowly when sleeping. These pauses in breathing can last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes. They can occur thirty or more times within one […]
What does idiopathic hypersomnia mean?
Everyone loves having the time to take a nap, so it can be hard to imagine what would be so bad about having a condition like idiopathic hypersomnia and napping a lot. Unfortunately, idiopathic hypersomnia is a very disruptive condition. The good news is it is very rare. People who […]
Is There any Effective Hypersomnia Treatment?
Hypersomnia is a rare and serious disorder that is a part of the family of sleep deprivation conditions. It is one of the most disruptive to a person’s life and when someone has it, they are typically unable to work or maintain relationships. With hypersomnia, a person may wind up […]
Central Sleep Apnea Causes
If you have been diagnosed with central sleep apnea you may be wondering what caused it to develop. There are many different central sleep apnea causes and it is rare that just one is the isolated cause. This type of apnea tends to mostly affect men over 40 who are […]
How to avoid developing hypersomnia depression
If you have hypersomnia, or know someone that does, then you should be aware that very often a form of hypersomnia depression will also develop. The hypersomnia is devastating enough to someone’s life, adding in depression can make it almost unbearable. Fortunately, it is a recognized risk with the disorder […]
Central Sleep Apnea in Children
If your child is a restless sleeper or stops breathing while sleeping for noticeable periods, they may have central sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea in children was once thought to be harmless and treated as a phase to be outgrown; new studies have shown that the impact of central sleep […]
Hallucinations due to chronic sleep loss – You day dream if you are not sleeping at night
When you are extremely sleep deprived then there may arise a condition when you start doubting your wisdom. You may wonder about the existence of certain things which you see but they do not really exist. There can be varied reasons of sleep deprivation for different people. People usually give […]