Fertility Problems with Fibromyalgia

Is Infertility Common in Fibromyalgia Patients?

Fertility Problems with Fibromyalgia

The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- is one that is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Widespread pain
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Tender points/trigger points
  • Headaches
  • Stiffness upon waking
  • Heavy periods
  • Severe menstrual cramping
  • Difficulty concentrating

This condition is one that affects millions of people across the world and is found much more commonly in women than in men.

Many of the women who are affected with the condition of fibro are typically diagnosed at some point during their reproductive years- most often between the ages of 30 to 50.

Since they are diagnosed during these critical years, there has been some concern regarding whether or not women who have fibro will be able to have a normal pregnancy- or even become pregnant at all.

Some of the medical research has revealed that women who have been diagnosed with fibro do have a harder time becoming pregnant, have more difficulty with their menstrual periods- often having menorrhagia, carrying their pregnancy to term, and the process of delivery.

Fertility Problems with Fibromyalgia

The truth is that there is very little evidence that fibro could possibly interfere with a woman’s ability to become pregnant.

However, if she is completely debilitated with the pan and other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, it is possible that she may have a harder time.

Still, it is possible for women who have been diagnosed with the condition of fibro to become pregnant and have children.

Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia

The condition of fibro will have very little- if any- effect on the babies as they grow and develop in their mother’s womb.

The primary concern is whether or not the mother’s body will be able to deal with the physical, emotional, and mental challenges that come along with carrying their pregnancy to term.

When you have been diagnosed with the condition of fibro, it is recommended that you keep your stress levels to a minimum.

This is especially true for women who are pregnant. Keeping stress levels under control can help to reduce the severity and the intensity of the depression and anxiety that characterize the condition of fibro.

Physicians recommend that if a woman wishes to become pregnant, she should do so when her condition of fibro is not in a state of flare.

When the symptoms flare, they are much more severe and can even be debilitating. On the other hand, when the individual is not in a state of flare, their symptoms are much less severe- and they are able to function so much better.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle- including getting proper nutrition, moderate exercise on a regular basis, and getting adequate sleep- can help to ensure that you maintain your strength and can keep your signs and symptoms of fibro much more manageable.

Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia Treatments

The condition of fibro is one that has no cure. Therefore, many times, the condition of fibro is treated with specific medications meant to control the signs and symptoms.

You must be warned though, that not all of the medications used to control this condition are suitable for women who are pregnant.

If you have been diagnosed with the condition of fibro, it is critical that you speak with your physician about how you can have a safe and healthy pregnancy without aggravating your condition- as well as preventing any unnecessary or unwanted effects on the developing baby.

For example, the symptom of nausea is often treated with anti-nausea medications. Since these may not necessarily be healthy for the baby, it is strongly recommended that women who have nausea during their first trimester treat it aggressively in order to avoid poor nutrition and/or dehydration. There are a few natural ways that you can aggressively treat nausea.

When a woman with this condition is pregnant- and even when she is breastfeeding- it is highly recommended that she avoid medications as much as possible and instead, focus on a more natural, non-drug approach to treatment.

This will help to prevent harm to her baby. However, you don’t have to give them up completely- you can still use them when you have recalcitrant and disabling symptoms rearing their ugly heads.

The Course of Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia

There has not been a whole lot of research that has been done regarding the course of pregnancy in women with the condition of fibro.

In one study done a few years ago, it was revealed that women suffering from the condition of fibro did report a significant increase in the intensity and severity in their signs and symptoms of fibro during their pregnancy.

Most of the women said that this was especially true during their third trimester- and these signs and symptoms persisted in this same intensity and severity for three months or more after they gave birth.

On the other hand, there has been very little evidence regarding problems with the baby such as premature birth, congenital abnormalities, or low birth weight in those babies born to mothers with the condition of fibro when compared side-by-side to those babies born to mothers without this condition.

Easing Fibromyalgia Symptoms While Pregnant

On the other hand, there does seem to be some conflicting evidence that it is possible that pregnancy actually reduces the intensity and severity of the symptoms of the condition of fibro.

Researchers believe that this could be due to the extra levels of the hormone known as relaxin in your body. This is released by your ovaries and may possibly ease- not flare- your signs and symptoms of fibro.

If you are a woman who has been diagnosed with the condition of fibro, you don’t have to worry- it is possible for you to become pregnant and have a happy, healthy baby.

You must take the time to speak with your physician about this and try to find some alternative approaches to dealing with the symptoms- saving the medications for an extremely severe flare.

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