Cellulite is the direct result of excess fat deposits in the body. It appears as dimpled skin on areas like hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen and legs. It is caused by the fat lying between the fibrous connective cords which get glued to the muscle underlying the skin. When fat cells […]
Author: Mom Blog Now
Best Exercises to Get Rid Thighs Cellulite
The dreaded cellulite has negatively affected the lives of many around the world. As a result, there are a plethora of anti-cellulite products on the market all of which promise to help one reduce and get rid of cellulite completely. For more serious cases there are quite a few invasive […]
Simple Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia and Hemorrhoids
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so goes a famous wise saying. When it comes to health matters, the merits of preventing the onset of a disease or any other medical condition outweigh the actual treatment by far. Nevertheless, occasionally the forgetful man forgets and slips, but that […]
Fibromyalgia and Urine Retention: Signs to Watch For
They say my health my wealth, so you have to be on the first line when it comes to keeping your health in the top gear. Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that manifests itself through widespread pains all over the body, particularly the muscles, various body joints and different tissues […]
Understanding Fibromyalgia and paresthesia
Fibromyalgia This is a condition also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) or fibrositis that affects the muscles and nerves of the patient. It is mostly a long term condition causing pain in a wide range of body parts. Research and studies have shown that this is the second most prevalent […]
Fibromyalgia and Suicide
Getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia may be the first hurdle patients have to overcome, but it is not the last. According to a broad study of fibromyalgia sufferers in the United States and Denmark, individuals with fibromyalgia have a higher risk of suicide and depression as well. They compared these results […]
Top 10 Fibromyalgia Symptoms to Look Out For
Experiencing extreme tiredness? Having difficulty sleeping? Do you suffer from frequent pain in the back of your neck, shoulders, lower and upper back, and sometimes, even in the knees? Then you might have fibromyalgia syndrome. Fibromyalgia syndrome can zap you of energy and leave you feeling fatigued. There may be […]
Is Fibromyalgia Turning You Into a Monster?
If you have fibromyalgia, you experience a lot of different symptoms that may range from mild and uncomfortable, to nagging and painful, to downright excruciating. Sometimes, you might even feel crazy, or not like your usual self, as if your personality is changing. Are you imagining this or is FM […]
When Your Fibromyalgia Pain Comes With a Twitch
If you have fibromyalgia, you know what pain is. This chronic disease is mysterious and not fully understood, but we know that it’s real. People suffering from FM even ten years ago were often told they had a mental health issue and not real, physical pain. Research has proved that […]
The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia: What You Need to Know
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that affects the fibres and muscles in the body, resulting in widespread pain and tenderness. There is no known cause and there is no cure. Symptoms of fibromyalgia vary from person to person, in both intensity and severity. While there is no cure for this […]
Fibromyalgia and its Unusual Symptoms
What is fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a common and chronic health problem that causes pains and tenderness all over the body. It affects millions of people worldwide, people of all ages, including children. Fibromyalgia affects people not only physically, but also mentally and socially. Although women suffer the most from fibromyalgia, […]
Anxiety Disorder: You Don’t Have to Be Afraid Anymore
Anxiety occurring every now and then is part of life. If presented with a problem at work, you may feel a bit anxious about finding a solution. When you’re about to take a test, you may be a little anxious about how well you will do. If you’re being presented […]
Cellulite treatments that work 2019
There are many cellulite treatments that have been introduced over the years, some effective some not quite so. Things to note about most treatments are that they are expensive and complicated and not always 100% effective. Most work by temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite. But there are some that […]
No Way? Pain in the Ball of Your Foot?
Metatarsalgia is the condition of having pain the ball of your foot. Many people suffer from metatarsalgia, and it is the result of a variety of different causes that vary by person. Examples of causes of metatarsalgia include not having enough circulation of blood, bad arthritis, not standing correctly, medical […]
What to do if you have Ankle Pain
There are numerous different kinds of foot injuries, but perhaps none that are more prevalent than an injury to the ankle. Most people may think that only athletes can injure their ankles from physical exercise and activity, but the reverse is largely true. Everyday people can suffer from injuries and […]
Severe Foot Pain without Surgery: Why Surgery is a Last Resort Option
There are a number of different options for treating a painful foot, but surgery is a last resort option. Yes, surgery is usually almost guaranteed to help your foot long term wise, whereas a lot of the other treatments may or may not work. These other forms of treatments include […]
The Solution for Foot Pain
The average person takes anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 words a day, putting over 1,000 pounds of force on your feet every twenty four hours. While our feet are usually used to it, we stand, walk, run and put them into shoes each and every day. A shocking eighty percent […]
How to know what’s wrong with Your Foot
Maybe you’ve felt pain in your foot for your whole life, or maybe it’s just started now. But regardless of how long you’ve been feeling pain in your foot, you’ve probably been wondering what could possibly be wrong with it. The human foot is actually much more complex than many […]
How Does Cycling Make Our Feet Hurt?
Cycling has always been among the most popular forms of transportation, all the way back for centuries. But whereas cycling was once a primary form of transportation, now it is only used for fun or recreation. Roughly a third of the American population today rides cycles for fun. For some […]
The Main Reasons You May Be Feeling Pain in the Top Part of the Foot when Walking
Pain is nothing easy to deal with regardless of where it occurs. While there are times when a pain may not be serious, the truth is that in some cases a pain felt in a particular area of the body can be a sign of an underlying issue that has […]
Top Foot Pain Causes and Solutions | Don’t Ignore These Signs
Our feet are incredibly important to us, and if something is wrong with them, we want to know how to take care of them and how to fix them. That being said, the top of the foot is one of the most awkward and painful places to have pain. There […]
Natural Remedies for Random Foot Pain
As you may expect, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to reduce the pain in your feet. Don’t think that you have to immediately go to the doctor if you’re feeling random pain, however. There are a lot of things that you can do […]
Quick Diets – Lose Your Pounds Fast
Being overweight is very common nowadays. The number of overweight people has increased a lot in these last few years and that is not a good thing. The world we live in is obsessed with food and it’s really hard to ignore that. Many of us who are overweight know […]
Foods that Help you Build Muscle
Whether you are male or female, athlete or average Joe, you can build muscle if you know what to do. Many people assume that you can only build muscle by spending hours at the gym four or five days a week, drinking protein shakes for every meal and injecting steroids. […]
Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body and Mind
Do you sometimes feel tired, old, or sick? Haven’t you asked yourself at least once “where’s my energy”? Do you feel lazy most of the time? In the world of today, where everything seems to be going forward, our bodies, unfortunately, don’t seem to go that way. We hardly even […]
Laser Fat Removal That Can Work Well For The Right Person
In this day and age everyone wants to take off the weight quickly and effortlessly, and so laser fat removal has become a very popular method to do just that. There are a whole series of different names for this method, but they all work in the same way. Using […]
Best exercises to get rid butt cellulite
If you are suffering from cellulite then you are not alone. There are millions of women all over the world who share your fate, rather your condition. If you are wondering why so many women are afflicted by it and not men, well men do get cellulite but the percentage […]
5 Different Types of Massage Techniques For Cellulite
A cellulite condition can alternate between horror and annoyance for most of us. It is a condition which is deeply linked to our internal health so keeping fit and active as well as sticking to a healthy diet is very important. For many of course, the situation is so grave […]
Does losing weight get rid of cellulite?
It is quite common to hear cellulite being described as a couch. The fat lumpy deposits on your skin can actually act as extra cushions every time you sit or lie down. That being said, it does not mean that cellulite is comfortable or even wanted. After all, who wants […]
7 Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite on Back of Legs
The word cellulite has become synonymous with horror today. With more than 90% of women affected by the cellulite syndrome around the world, it is no wonder that it creates a sense of doom in most of us. Of course, another reason for fearing it could be the fact that […]
Does Coconut Oil Reduce Cellulite? Find Out 5 Effective Ways
Cellulite is quite a dreaded topic because it leads to so much unhappiness, frustration, and diffidence. A vast majority of men and women around the world are affected by cellulite. It manifests itself in an unsightly dimpled appearance of the skin when bulging muscles seem to push out of the skin […]
7 Effective Ways to Combat Male Stomach Cellulite
In general, men are lucky because the male hormone testosterone is more prone to burning calories than the female hormone estrogen which is prone to increase fat deposits in the body. That’s the reason why a majority of women all over the world are victims of cellulite while the percentage […]
Effective Cellulite on Boobs Remedies & Treatments
Cellulite is the ungainly orange peel on the skin which gives a dimply and ugly look. It mostly affects women but men are not spared from its horrors either. It is revealed as a mattress-like appearance on the skin mostly around the thighs, hips and buttocks. For a long time […]
Rosemary Oil for Cellulite Reduction: How Essential Oils Can Make a Difference
Cellulite is a stubborn issue for most women, appearing commonly on the butt and thighs. As women age, cellulite becomes a more prominent issue, leading many to question if there are any remedies available to reduce, or eliminate, the appearance of cellulite. Luckily, there are certain options available that can […]
The Truth Behind VelaShape: Cellulite Solution, or Ineffective Remedy
Regardless of weight or size, cellulite can have unsightly effects on approximately 80 percent of women who are at least 20 years old. Over time, fat cells increase in size and multiply, which, in conjunction with other body processes, can have unsightly consequences for the surface of the skin. The […]
Arms Cellulite Reduction Treatment
In the last few years there have been increasingly large numbers of women complaining from the appearance of cellulite in their bodies. This is sort of like a disease that has spread so much that now it represents one of the biggest problems among women. Cellulite can affect in a […]
Fast and Permanent Reducing of Cellulite
Although cellulite is a condition that can affect almost everyone, us women are more exposed to it. This is mainly because we are born with the genetic predisposal for building cellulite. It can be due to genetics, that’s true, but there are also many other factors and lifestyle choices that […]
Reducing Cellulite with Laser Treatments
In today’s world and culture, the physical appearance seems to overrule the inner one. Although many people talk about the beauty being inside of you, nobody can deny the fact that the physical well-being of your body can sometimes be as important as the inside of you. The reason why […]
Use Coffee as a Natural Treatment for Cellulite
We, women, know that staying beautiful and in perfect shape is not at all an easy job to do. We are not perfectly born all amazingly shaped and sexy and we have to work on that. Some of you are lucky enough for that, but most of us work really […]
Dry Brush Your Body Cellulite
Cellulite is the one most annoying and frustrating thing that most of us women have. It is the one question for which we can’t seem to find a correct answer. And we hate it so much, it is an obstacle for wearing the clothes we want, for feeling confident, for […]
Best Foods and Vitamins for Reducing Cellulite
Taking care and worrying about your orange peel skin every day can be exhausting and really irritating, especially if you don’t get results. As summer is on its way approaching, most of the women who suffer from cellulite start panicking and worrying about their dimpled skin. The shape of your […]
Home Remedies For a Cheap and Efficient Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite is caused by fat stored in cells under the skin which push up towards the connective tissue and in this way create those bumps. This is how we get that uneven skin, orange peel like the look. If you are like most of us women, you probably suffer from cellulite […]
Reduce Cellulite and Make your Butt look Sexy
The eternal enigma: CELLULITE. Millions of women suffer from it and that is a fact. Do you know that 90% (if not more) of women have cellulite on some part of their bodies? It can appear anywhere and everywhere, but it mostly affects the buttock area. This is okay when […]
All the Ways to Lose Cellulite
Cellulite is a girl’s worst enemy. Us girls are naturally born with a tendency to have cellulite. It is genetics as much as it is the plain facts that we are women. Cellulite happens when the fat that is stored in the cells deep underneath our skin pushes up the […]
Reducing Cellulite with VelaShape
Sexy, thin and firm body, who wouldn’t want that? All our lives (especially us girls) we have been trying so hard, in every possible way to lose weight, tighten our bodies and get rid of that stupid cellulite. We have all tried millions and millions of diets that are so […]
Get Rid of Cellulite Using Velasmooth
Cellulite is one of nature’s biggest errors, especially in us women. We are unfortunately genetically predisposed to develop cellulite. And yes we hate it! The appearance of cellulite does not choose age, skin color or weight. Thin and slim people can develop cellulite as much as overweight people can. Weight […]
The Simple Use of Wellbox for Reducing Cellulite
Cellulite is a common problem, especially for girls. Being a woman has many advantages, but when it comes to cellulite unfortunately it’s our loss. Millions of women suffer from cellulite. In fact, most of us suffer from cellulite. Cellulite has nothing to do with weight, thin and slim people can […]
Most Common Causes for Cellulite
Cellulite is one of the biggest problems in women’s history. Women have been trying to find a way to solve this puzzle and find relief from it for many, many years. The cottage cheese or orange peel or whatever you call it is not a very attractive look for us […]
Efficient Exercises for Reducing Cellulite
To be physically fit is important, but now as the summer season is approaching, is even more important. Your body that was covered in clothes and coats will now be exposed to all the public opinion and the eyes and comments of people around you. And you can’t possibly avoid […]
Amazing Oils for Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite is visible on almost every woman’s butt, thighs, and legs. It is one of those things that is so common and frequent, but still, no one knows how to get rid of it. Cellulite can affect almost everyone. It actually affects almost every woman. Being so common, there’s still no […]
Shed off Leg Cellulite
Cellulite has to be one of the worst things in women. And this is scary since most of the women are suffering from it. That orange-peel, bumpy and dimpled skin really does not look attractive. And cellulite does not choose if you are thin or fat. It can happen to […]
What is the Best Way to Reduce Cellulite?
Cellulite is something that every woman has. It is one of the biggest problems and all of us have been trying to find a solution. Cellulite is the one thing that does not give an attractive look to women. You don’t need to have a lot of body fat or […]
Natural Approach for Losing Cellulite
Reducing cellulite is a question on which no one can still find a proper answer. There have been many studies and researches conducted on the subject of cellulite and yet all we’ve got so far are assumptions and second-guesses. The fact that cellulite is a widely spread and really common problem for […]
The Rare Case of Cellulite in Men Explained
Defined in proper terms, cellulite is a condition that appears as a dimpled, orange peel-like skin and it happens when that fat that is stored in the cells presses the connective tissue upwards and that’s why the skin looks bumpy like that. In the minds of many people, the term […]
Smoothen Your Thighs and Get Rid of Cellulite
The appearance of cellulite is pretty bothering, especially when this hot summer season is approaching. Don’t let the thin shape of women in winter’s coats fool you, even they can have cellulite. The size of clothes you are wearing has nothing to do with whether you have cellulite or not. […]
The Awkward Appearance of Cellulite in Breasts
Cellulite is a condition that is really familiar to many people, especially to us women. We are the group of people that are most affected by it. Cellulite can be defined differently, but let’s try to explain it in really simple words so that we can understand what happens better. […]
Dealing with Knee Cellulite
Cellulite is a condition that never had and obviously never will have a definite answer. If you happen to be one of us who suffer from it, you have probably heard multiple different opinions and thoughts on this subject. And there is a good reason for this. Although the medicine […]
Simple Steps to Be Better at Dieting
When you set a goal, you have to work really hard to succeed. Maybe you have accomplished with success most of your goals, but there is still that one that you can’t manage to complete. Dieting is a huge problem for most of us. A diet looks easy when you […]
Heating to Reduce Cellulite Appearance
Regardless of age, weight, and gender, cellulite is a condition that can affect anyone, especially women. More than 90% of women all around the world suffer from cellulite. And more than half of those women do mind having it, so they constantly try to find different treatments, methods, and options to get […]
Treadmill Workouts to Burn Fat That Really Challenge You and Work Tremendously
Though you may not recognize it, treadmill workouts to burn fat really work quite well. We tend to think of the treadmill as the one thing in the gym that is comfortable and stable, particularly when we are just starting out. The reality is however that this one single piece […]
A Great Fat Burning Diet Plan for Women That Really Shows Results
When it comes to what it takes to incorporate a fat burning diet plan for women, there are so many things to think about. Chances are that most women can benefit from a diet overhaul. Rather than following the latest diet trend or fad out there, it’s time to get […]
Healthy Living Can be Started with Commitment
Healthy living is not something that you would like to adopt just when you need to lose a few extra pounds, but it is a lifelong commitment that you must stick to religiously, well, almost. This is not a one-off thing. It is a lifestyle. You must commit to living healthily […]
Is It True–Does Green Tea Burn Fat and Really Change Your Body Forever?
You hear so many claims out there about how to lose weight and what will help to burn the fat away, and one that you may consider is does green tea burn fat? Quite honestly it can feel overwhelming and make you wonder what claims are real and which are […]
Running To Burn Fat
For many it may seem as though you either love it or hate it, but there is great truth that running to burn fat is truly effective. It’s not easy for some people to get used to running as it can be an exhausting activity. Not only that but it […]
Best information about cellulite
What is cellulite? Cellulite is is a disease of the epidermis and cells within the epidermis. As opposed to impetigo, which is a very trivial epidermis disease, cellulite is is a disease that also includes the skins deeper-layers: the subcutaneous and skin cells. The key parasites causes of cellulite is are Staphylococcus […]
Healthy Foods to Indulge in While Dieting
The word “diet” has come to embody a negative connotation synonymous with “restricting” or “starving”. This may be, in part, due to the fact that many fad diets are based on principles of cutting calories and restricting the consumption of certain foods. Just because you are dieting, however, doesn’t mean that you […]
Tighten the sagging skin after losing weight
Some people think it is difficult to imagine your skin as a flexible body organ that can expand and reduce at will, but that is exactly what it is. As you put on bodyweight, your skin extends and extends to be able to keep up with the growing extra fat. […]
Skin Care and Sunscreen
Winter season is arriving to an end, and family members are getting ready for summer, outdoor activities, and summer season vacation. The best aspect of ending winter season is that the sun stands out really brightly and our days last longer. It is just as essential to take care of […]
The Real Deal With Coconut Water
People who live in the tropical areas have been drinking this miracle liquid for many years. They all claim that the benefits of coconut water are endless. Slowly, this liquid has become the new American trend and a world-wide sensation. Within the last 5 years, the coconut industry went from […]
Some of healthy information gotten from best healthy living websites
As much as many people in the society are looking to lose weight, there are those who are struggling to gain it. Some people feel weak and emaciated so much that the only resolution that they are left with is to look for ways in which they can gain weight at […]
Drinking lots of water to lose weight
Importance of drinking water to lose weight “Drink 8 glasses of water every day” is an indication that we have all heard, but one should ask that what are the actual benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Water hydrates your system and allows it perform effectively. Water boosts your […]
Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know
Losing weight is a concern for many individuals but, unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Countless individuals fall victim to fad diets which guarantee quick results and a lasting transformation. Sadly, these claims are often untrue, leaving people feeling defeated and hopeless about reaching their weight loss […]
Easy ways to get lower abs
Having a healthy body and keeping in good shape is not an easy task. We all dream of having a figure we see on television or in magazines. However, as soon as we realize the effort we have to make in order to achieve it, we give up very easily. […]
Breast Enlargement Surgery – An Expensive & Dangerous Way To Enlarge Breasts
Why women want healthy breasts? What do you think that only men who look at the breasts & get attracted from the appeal of beautiful breasts? No, it’s not like that, women also think about breasts because it is one of the most precious parts of body gifted by nature to […]
17 effective ways to gain control of overeating
Wouldn’t it be great if food wasn’t that tasty? That way, we wouldn’t have to fight away cravings and we would make no difference between eating broccoli and a slice of tasty pizza with cheese. Just like when we are ill and we don’t want to eat just because we can’t taste it. Well, […]
Reasons Why You Should Become a Vegetarian
In our modern Western culture it seems that a new fad diet is being released every few weeks. Many of these diets are geared toward weight loss or other aesthetic benefits but vegetarianism is different – it is simply a healthy way of life. In simple terms, a vegetarian is […]
19 effective ways to revive & speed up your metabolism
Nowadays, many people misinterpret the meaning of the word ‘metabolism’. Not always the reason for our weight loss or gain is our metabolism. Sometimes overweight people can have faster metabolisms than skinny people.Metabolism is the process that our body does to break down nutrients. Many of us do not understand […]
Eat to Lose Belly Fat
Getting rid of belly fat can be a really hard work. Even people who are perfectly fit, still find it hard to lose belly fat. Flat belly has always been a symbol for fitness and sexiness, but even the most physically active people struggle a lot to achieve that. Belly […]
Cardio Fat Burning
If you are looking to change your body forever and get rid of the excess weight, then it’s really all about the cardio fat burning. There are so many diet plans, fads, and trends out there that promise you will lose weight—what they don’t take into consideration though is how […]
Useful tips to gain weight quickly
Want to know how to put on bodyweight fast? Put on muscular weight and create the kind of attractive body you have always wanted? I know what it is like to be thin. The way ladies look at you feeling like less of a man around larger people, etc. There […]
Foods that should not be taken before bed
Based on what type of day you had, you may still be a little starving just before going to bed. However, there is an intelligent way to snack meals, and a not so smart way to snack meals before sleeping. Choosing the wrong snacks/food may disrupt your regular rest styles […]
Healthy Living Pyramid
Group training is one of the most important activities that people from all over the world use to lose weight and maintain their bodies’ fitness. Many health problems can be avoided through group training such as heart diseases and other health complications. Group training is more advantages than the individual […]
How to Lose Weight in a Week?
People often ask us – is it really possible to lose weight in a week? We say – yes, indeed. You can lose weight in a week with a little caution and sensible eating. One of my friends went to a dietician and asked if she could really get […]
Breast Implants Gone Wrong – Don’t Get Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breasts – A great gift of nature Woman’s breasts are one of the most beautiful parts of the body and a great gift of nature. Breast is a great source of attraction and if you have good, healthy & appealing breasts, then surely many men & women will be attracted […]
10 Tips For Boosting Weight Loss
Taking metabolism rates to higher levels is one of the most effective ways of weight loss. This simply means that the body burns calories within a short time. Sluggish metabolism on the other hand means gaining weight since the body is taking more than what it needs. There are a […]
Learn How to Lose Belly Fat for Men
Women aren’t the only ones who want to try to lose belly fat, yet all the information out there tends to be geared specifically toward women. If you want to shed those extra layers of belly fat to reveal the glorious six-pack beneath, then you will want to read on and learn […]
Use Organic Approaches to Reduce Cholesterol to Healthy Levels
Cholesterol is linked to many health and wellness issues. High cholesterol level in blood and body system is accountable for the growth of coronary artery disease, which in turn increases the threats for strokes and heart attack. Men & women with high levels of cholesterol are suggested to decrease cholesterol […]
Top 10 Reasons Not To Get Breast Implants
Many mature women feel completely depressed and insecure because of little breasts. Breast is one of the most beautiful parts of the woman’s body and its proper care should be taken. Breast is a natural gift connected to the part of the women’s body and large breast is a very […]
How To Lose Weight In A Week Without Starving
Wondering how to lose weight in a week? Many people have a special occasion that they need to rapidly lose fat fast for but yet aren’t quite sure how to go about the process. If you want to lose weight in a hurry, you’re definitely going to have to get […]
Cholesterol Structure – Something you ought to know
When we hear about the word “Cholesterol” then we think that it is some kind of monster or murderer that will kill us. Many people believe that in any form, cholesterol is a threat to our body system. Is it true? No, this is not a true statement because latest […]
Healthy living habits
Nowadays, people are concerned about their body weight and health in general. This is because there are very many diseases that are caused by the types of foods we eat daily. The rules you must follow for proper nutrition are quite demanding since every human being has his/her own desires. […]
How to lose Water Weight?
Trying hard to fit in your old dress? If you have got too much flab, you may like to reduce some of it. Trying for the last couple of months? Any luck? No? Then you are not doing everything in a right manner. Did you try to find out the […]
Breast Enhancement Exercises – Increase Your Breasts Naturally
Increase breast size naturally Are you worried about your breasts because their size is little? Do you feel shy in front of your family & friends because of your little breasts? Is it true that your friends make fun of your little breasts and you are so much depressed because […]
How to Lose Thigh Fat?
A woman’s body gain weight following a very specific pattern. For example, if we observe the body of an overweight woman, we will see that the body develops extra fat especially on some certain parts. Body parts like thighs, hip, lower abdomen and pelvis area are at greater risk. Fat […]
Defining the cholesterol – keep your good cholesterol levels good
What is cholesterol? When you hear about the word good cholesterol or bad cholesterol then what is your immediate reaction or what does run in your mind? You can’t get the actual meaning of the cholesterol and its levels unless you study the proper definition of cholesterol and you will […]
Foods that make you Lose Weight
There are mainly two things that can help you lose weight – nutrition and exercise. It does not matter what other efforts you are putting in, these two factors are the only thing that will help you get what you want. Your body does need nutrition to fight the survival […]
Is It a Myth to Burn Belly Fat Fast
It is certainly possible to burn belly fat fast, but I can guarantee one thing: it will not be easy. There are no magic solutions or miracle workouts that will easily and instantly get rid of your belly fat. The best way to burn your belly fat faster is to […]
Calorie Count to lose weight: Increase Calorie Expenditure to Get Rapid Weight Loss
The weight loss process is not easy. Don’t be afraid just to know that you may have to starve yourself to get a healthy weight. See, there is a difference between healthy weight and obesity. Having a little curvy figure is not bad. You don’t have to be skinny […]
Blueprint for healthy living
In the world we are living in everyone wants a healthy living, however with the king of rushing and vitality involved in our daily living orchestrating a healthy eating plan is a next to impossible job. For one to have a perfect blueprint on dietary there are some elements that […]
Breast Implants And Breastfeeding – Something You Should Know
Breastfeeding & its significance Milk of a mother is always best for babies because it is good for the health of mother as well as the baby. Natural breast feeding can help a baby to stay away from many diseases because mother’s milk is very helpful for a baby to […]
Cardio For Successful Weight Loss: How Much Cardio for Increasing Speed of Weight Loss
Cardio is one exercise which you should always do if you are too keen to lose weight very fast. Now, many people ask how much Cardio they should do so everything goes perfectly. Frankly, there is no standard rule regarding the time and intensity of the Cardio exercises. You can’t […]
Discover Which Foods To Eat Lose Weight Fast And Effectively
As you set the goal to lose weight fast, the first thing that you must be considering is how you are going to structure your diet plan. In order to lose weight fast, you are going to have to use a rather aggressive calorie deficit, which means taking in far […]
Learning How to Lose Belly Fat Fast For Women
If you are at your ideal weight but still struggle to get a flat, sexy stomach, do not despair. We are all jealous of that girl who can seem to eat everything yet still have a body to die for, with curves in all the right places, and a lean […]
Celebrity Cellulite: Who Suffers And What Are The Treatments?
Think that you are the only one who gets cellulite? You need to think again. Celebrity cellulite is a hot topic that many people sit up and start paying attention to when they hear the words because everyone wants to know how they get their amazing bodies. And, when you […]
Best Cardio Workout To Burn Fat
Probably one of the most common questions that comes up as people want to transform their body is what the best cardio workout is to burn fat. The reality is that there are several workouts that can be of help, but the key to success in burning fat and changing […]
Health is one of the most important things in the life of any human being
Healthy living Health is one of the most important things in the life of any human being. It is for this reason that many of us are looking for ways and tricks to ensure a healthy living for us and our family. Previously it was a hard task trying to […]
8 Easy Ways to Lose Fat
Our modern sedentary lifestyle is at the core of the problem of obesity. Why not bring some changes to our lives so we don’t have to suffer from this social epidemic anymore? You know, there was a time when people never had these type of severe health problems. At present, […]
Maintain healthy cholesterol levels and live an active life
Among the list of greatest health problems our world faces is what high blood cholesterol levels does to our body system. Although some individuals may suffer from high blood cholesterol levels due to heredity most people with a higher cholesterol levels count have this due to poor eating habits. You […]
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite – Secret Tips You Must Use
Wondering how to get rid of cellulite? If you’re battling this unsightly tissue, then chances are good you’re wondering what you can do to free yourself from it forever. Cellulite is something that frustrates a high number of women and can occur at any point in life. Some people mistakenly […]
How to Lose Weight Fast
All of us dream about losing weight fast. Is it really that much easier? Losing weight is possible; but, losing weight in an incredibly short period of time is tough. You have to work very hard and continue your efforts without any break. Giving your efforts a right direction is […]
How Many Calories To Lose Weight? – Figuring Out Your Perfect Number
Learning how many calories to lose weight it’s going to take you to reach your body weight goal is the first step to success. In order to successfully lose weight, you are going to have to take in fewer calories than what you burn off over the course of the […]
Discovering The Best Way To Lose Weight
Want to lose weight in a hurry? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people are often on the hunt for the best way to lose weight and are feeling overwhelmed with the process. As you go about trying to find the best way to lose weight, chances are you are going to […]
Losing Weight While Pregnant
First of all, congratulations for this great new beginning of your life. You are carrying a bundle of joy. However, you look a bit worried about your increasing pregnancy weight. Friend, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. In fact, weight gain during pregnancy is a good symptom. It assures that […]
How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast With A Solid Nutrition Plan
If you are trying to lose fat around your midsection to get a leaner looking stomach, you might be taking the wrong approach. Most people think that the best way to get a lean stomach is with lots of repetitions of abdominal exercises. But let me let you in on […]
Discover What Causes Cellulite So You Can Banish This Forever
Wondering what causes cellulite? Many people who are struggling with this condition or who want to do their absolute best to avoid its occurrence want to know exactly what causes cellulite so that they can take the steps they need to in order to get rid of this unsightly tissue […]
Tips and tricks for a healthy weight loss
In today’s world where our streets are full of fast food restaurants and where the emphasis is put more on the quantity than the quality of food, it has become extremely hard to lead a healthy life. The society is developing very fast and it has come to those extremes […]
Know the cholesterol numbers and overcome your high cholesterol
Do you think you may have a cholesterol levels problem? Well if so cholesterol numbers analyses is a very useful factor to perform and it can tell you if you have or have not a cholesterol levels issue. The most typical cholesterol levels analyses conducted is lipoprotein information. What does […]
No one is richer than healthier
One of the most famous quotes about health, I’ve ever heard is, “He who has good health, has everything. He, who does not, has nothing.” Wow… What a though it is… The moment we read it, it captures our mind. The importance of health is magnified many folds and is presented in […]
The beauty and danger behind breast augmentation
When it first appeared in the newspapers and other media, a public view on the breast augmentation wasn’t the same it is today. As every other novelty, especially techniques that are performed on the human body, people took it with skepticism and fear. It was considered an immoral act and a life-threatening […]
Effective tips for fat burn to get healthier and leaner body
If you have put on some extra weight and you want to get rid of it off to be able to get leaner, you have come across the perfect content. This is because you will find effective fat losing tips here – they all will help you to get rid […]
Drinking Water to lose Weight
Can water really reduce your weight? People often suggest drinking water to lose weight. In fact, we have heard this since our childhood. We do follow the guidance and the beliefs passed on to us by the elders. However, the real reasons behind this whole excitements stay undisclosed. Ever wonder […]
Maintain your cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases
Millions of people are dying because of heart diseases every year. One of the biggest reasons behind all kinds of heart diseases is high cholesterol levels in the blood. There are two kinds of cholesterols in our body. HDL (high density lipoprotein) Cholesterol, also known as “Good Cholesterol” saves us […]
What Is Cellulite – Get The Facts So You Can Get Cellulite Free
If you are wondering what is cellulite because you are impacted with it or are worried that one day you may start to show signs of seeing cellulite present on your body, it’s time that you learned the in’s and out’s of what this unsightly tissue is all about. Cellulite […]
Reduce LDL Cholesterol & Live a Healthy Life
Heart disease is a very common problem in the world and many men & women of mature age are affected by this disease. The development of all kinds of heart diseases is linked to the LDL Cholesterol levels. In order to protect yourself from any kind of heart disease, you […]
Benefits of Increasing HDL Cholesterol with HDL Cholesterol Foods
Cholesterol is very essential requirement of our body and it is developed or produced by our body itself. The key function of the cholesterol is to digest the food that we eat and to protect the cell membranes of our body by creating hormones. Because of this important reason, cholesterol […]
A Closer Look At Cellulite Treatment Methods Work And Which Don’t
If you’ve been noticing cellulite appearing on your body, one thing that you may be considering is the various cellulite treatment methods that are available to you. Cellulite can strike anyone – young or old, fit or unfit, female or male so no one is completely immune to it. That said, women […]
Best Things to Eat After a Workout
Whether you are working out to lose weight or simply to stay in shape, what you eat before, during and after your workout is very important. Before you work out it is a good idea to fuel your body with carbohydrates as a quick source of energy. During exercise, hydration […]
9 Quick Weight Loss Hacks to Melt Fat Fast!
Losing weight quickly is a common goal for many individuals looking to improve their health and appearance. While there are various approaches to shedding pounds, not all methods are safe or sustainable. This article explores effective and scientifically backed strategies for swiftly dropping fat. Understanding the fastest ways to lose […]
7 Tips for a Toned Stomach: How to Get the Abs You’ve Always Wanted
A toned stomach is a popular fitness objective, but it’s not easy. Achieving it demands regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy habits. Besides the aesthetic benefits, a toned stomach can enhance overall health and lower the chances of certain diseases. Achieving a toned stomach begins with maintaining a balanced […]
6 Early Signs Of Fibromyalgia
An Introduction to Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain with other symptoms, including mood swings, memory loss, fatigue and lethargy, and insomnia. Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition which affects our bones and muscles. This disease is often misdiagnosed and even misunderstood. The most common symptom of […]
Why Am I Not Losing Weight? Discover These 5 Surprising Reasons
If you’ve been on a fat loss diet for some time now and are just not seeing the results you had hoped for, you may wonder, ‘Why am I not losing weight?’ You can feel like you’re doing everything right, but that weight is sticking to your body and showing […]
Discover How Yoga Can Melt Away Body Fat
Losing weight has always been a big-time problem. Have to agree with you that gaining weight seems much easier than losing it. It seems women put on weight so easily. Above all, we don’t have much time nowadays to bring some significant changes to our condition. Believe it or not, […]
10 Best Ways to Lose Weight
Thinking of losing weight fast? Friend, the basic problem with most of us that we think a lot; but actually do very less. You have plenty of options that can actually make your life cool. There was a time when we had very little awareness of the human body. We […]
Discover the Fastest and Easiest Ways to Lose Weight
Obesity has become the world’s number one problem. The reason behind this problem is most probably the fact that today we have more food than ever in human history. Just a few decades ago, food used to be more valued and was considered a source of life, but today food […]
Why I am not Losing Weight?
Trying hard for the last couple of months and still not able to shed a single pound? That’s really monotonous, is not it? Why do you have to be in such a condition? There is definitely something wrong. You are either ignoring something or making some mistakes that are ruining […]
Natural breast enhancement pills – Best natural way to enhance your breasts size
Small breasts – Problem of millions Small breasts are a problem of millions of women around the world. Many women can’t live a confident life without healthy breasts. We have many ways to increase our breast size with the advancement of technology. One of the most popular ways to increase […]
Shed Belly Fat Fast: Your Ultimate Guide to a Flat Tummy
Don’t you just wish there was a magic solution to getting rid of body fat? For many people, general exercise is insufficient to shed excess fat from their midsection. There are no shortcuts to getting the body you want instantly. However, you can reduce your belly fat through a dedicated […]
How to Make Your Boobs Grow Faster
You live in a world where you are permanently surrounded by specific beauty standards. While appearance should never be more important than what is on the “inside” of a person, and it should never be more important than health, the truth is that how you look can influence you in […]
Insomnia: When the Sandman Refuses to Come By
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder characterized by being unable to fall asleep, unable to stay asleep or a combination of both. Individuals with insomnia will either have extremely poor-quality sleep or not even get enough at all. As a result, they don’t feel refreshed when they wake. This […]
Can Antidepressants Be Used for Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is one of the most poorly-understood medical conditions. Those with the condition often experience near-constant pain, mental fog, depression, and anxiety, and fibromyalgia often develops over time. Because this is a condition that is still being researched, doctors aren’t completely sure what causes it. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, […]
13 Shocking Foods to Avoid for High Cholesterol!
High cholesterol is one of the world’s biggest problems. Every year, millions of people die because of high cholesterol in their blood. People who are victims of high cholesterol can control their cholesterol by changing their diet habits. However, many men and women are puzzled about what high-cholesterol foods they […]
Natural Breast Enhancement Foods – Get Natural Foods To Enlarge Your Breasts
Healthy breasts – A great need Like all men want to look more handsome & attractive, similarly, it is a great desire of all women to look more beautiful & attractive. Men go to the gym & take regular exercises to look attractive & handsome but most of the women can’t […]
How to Get Bigger Breasts Naturally – Go Natural to Get Attractive Breast
Big breast is a need of every mature woman Getting the large breasts is the dream of every modern woman because by getting a large breast, you will be able to gain attention & so much confidence that will help you to get success in every walk of life. Do […]
Breast enlargement with fat transfer – A common way to increase breasts size
The reason why women want to enlarge their breasts The majority of the women always want to entice other people with their eye-catching personality. Yes, gaining the intentions of others with your attractive character is an excellent way to seek the intention of others but most of the women, accidentally […]
Improve your Child’s Behavior when They’re not Sleep Deprived
Obstructive sleep apnea in children is a very serious condition that can cause a multitude of problems for the affected child. It is reported that children who suffer from sleep apnea do poorly in school, get into more conflicts and have a harder time paying attention to details. All of […]
4 Real Symptoms Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Knowing the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea can change your life! This condition is very hard to diagnose. The usual symptoms take place when you’re fast asleep, and those that you do notice are often mistaken for other problems. When you are aware of the condition of sleep apnea, the […]
Primary Hypersomnia: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments
Everyone loves having the time to take a nap, so it can be hard to imagine what would be so bad about having a condition like primary hypersomnia and napping a lot. Unfortunately, primary hypersomnia is a very disruptive condition. The good news is it is very rare. People who […]
Why Depression Is Common With Fibromyalgia?
Numerous studies join Fibromyalgia and depression. Indeed, individuals with Fibromyalgia are up to three times more prone to have depression at the season of their analysis than somebody without Fibromyalgia. A few scientists feel that depression prompts changes in brain chemistry. Others look at variations from the norm of the […]
Relation Between Fibromyalgia and Migraine
Fibromyalgia headache is a typical constant torment disorder, influencing an expected 3 to 9 million grown-ups. Fibromyalgia headache is not a particular malady. The term fibromyalgia depicts an example of side effects that bunch together, including broad body agony and affect the ability to weight on particular spots on the body, […]
Beat the Brain Fog! Tips to Conquer Fibro Fog & Fibromyalgia
The issues fibromyalgia patients regularly encounter are fleeting memory and intellectual brokenness/ cognitive dysfunction called “fibro fog.” The foggy feeling inside the psyche(mind) is sufficient to bring about nervousness alone, increasing associated difficulties. Moreover, the term “Fibro fig” has been authored by fibromyalgia patients and some treating doctors to depict […]
Fibromyalgia and Slow Digestion With Constipation
Fibromyalgia, an incessant issue described by musculoskeletal torment, weakness, and rest unsettling influences, has been connected with immune system maladies, certain psychiatric issue, migraine, and bad-tempered entrails disorder (IBS). Your symptoms appear to fit best with a diagnosis of IBS; up to 50 percent of patients with fibromyalgia moderate absorption […]
Relationship Between Fibromyalgia and IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the more basic gastrointestinal conditions which are available in 8-20% of the all-inclusive community. There have been a few studies that have demonstrated that the condition is more regular in ladies than in men at a proportion of 2:1 or 3:1. This demonstrates […]
Fibromyalgia and Widespread Pain
Chronic pain is characterized by pain continuing for over 3 months and is a noteworthy general wellbeing issue. It can influence any part of the body and regularly the exact cause is obscure. Interminable pain is normal, influencing around one in five. Generally, individuals figure out how to live well […]
Can You Work If You Have Fibromyalgia?
Many people continue to work and go to their jobs even if they have fibromyalgia. In cases which are very intense, the people have to leave their jobs in order to attend to their illness. Sometimes, the pain and fatigue are so intense and dangerous, that the patient has no […]
Lupus: A Misunderstood Diagnosis
If you have been handed a diagnosis of lupus, chances are that you have lots of questions. Sadly, this disease is not a simple one with simple answers. Unfortunately, you can’t just take medication and make it all disappear. Since this disease doesn’t really have any clear-cut signs and symptoms […]
Mid Foot Pain Explained: Everything You Need to Know about It
Our bodies are very complex mechanisms, engineered in a way where most of the “parts” work with one another so that the entire system functions properly. Pain can appear to be out of the sudden, but when it becomes prolonged or very intense, it is most likely a sign that […]
Stress Fracture of the Foot and How it Causes Pain
Pain can be annoying and it can be downright disabling at times, regardless of where in the body it is spotted. It is of the utmost importance that you inform yourself properly before doing anything and that you get a specialist’s diagnosis before you even try to treat your pain. […]
Why Are You Feeling Pain in the Center of the Foot?
Health is more important than anything out there – this is probably something you must have heard ever since you were a child. Your grandmother may be “outdated” when it comes to smartphones and tablets, but she did know this thing very well and this is one of those tips […]
What Does a Physiotherapist Do for Fibromyalgia Patients?
Your specialist is going to help you get connected with a number of different people who can assist you with your fibromyalgia symptoms. One of the people that you may get connected with is referred to as a physiotherapist, or to most people, as a physical therapist. These people specialize […]
Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help Fibromyalgia Patients?
Over the years, a number of different treatments have been used in order to help people get through the painful issues related to their health problems. Because of that, we’ve been able to find a variety of treatments that may seem a little off the beaten path but work nonetheless. In […]
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator and fibromyalgia
New studies have found that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator and fibromyalgia therapy can deliver lasting pain management. While it has been known that there is a reduction in pain at the point of the therapy, a new study has revealed a way to increase the pain tolerance beyond the therapy […]
Pain in the Left Side of Foot and What It Can Be Caused By
If you take a look at your body, you will definitely notice how perfectly it has been engineered. Every part communicates with at least one other part and they are all controlled by the large computer the human brain is. When pain occurs, most of the people out there feel […]
Why Do My Toes Hurt?
Foot pain affects a lot of different people, but the toe pain is one of the most common forms of foot pain that affects people. Many people don’t suffer from the toe pain continuously, but instead only do from time to time. First of all, the human foot is actually more complex […]
Why You Might Develop Stabbing Pain In The Foot: Nerve Pain
One of the most common foot ailments is foot pain. Foot pain develops in the foot for various reasons, specifically during occasions where the foot suffers from some kind of injury or inflammation. Stabbing Pain In The Foot: Is It Nerve Damage? The most common source of foot pain is […]
Say Goodbye to Hand Pain from Fibromyalgia
Suffering from a chronic condition can be both painful and annoying. Sometimes, it interferes with your daily life and your mental health. Fibromyalgia is one of those conditions that millions of people suffer from. It affects your body’s strength and involves chronic pain. It can be quite difficult having to […]
Chronic sleep deprivation – How lack of sleep can eat your mind and body health
May times in a day we realize that we don’t find enough waking time to fulfill our daily needs and responsibilities. Shift work, family and social responsibilities, long commutes and emails etc. eat up a lot of our waking hours and thus to have some leisure time, we cut down […]
Are You Tired? Know the Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a very common health condition experienced by millions of people around the world. There are several types of the medical condition that can affect an individual, but of them it is obstructive sleep apnea that is the most common, as well as oftentimes the most serious. Obstructive […]
9 Myths about Sleep Deprivation That Might Be Keeping You Up
There are many myths about insomnia and sleep deprivation that aren’t going to help you to get your sleep back on track. Before you launch off to follow a home remedy for insomnia or interrupted sleep, it pays to check your facts. There are a few reputable places on the […]
Foot Pain In The Morning? You Might Have Plantar Fasciitis
Foot pain is a very common ailment of the foot, let alone the entire body. People develop foot pain for various reasons, though they usually develop foot pain when they hurt their foot in some way. Stress and overuse often causes the feet to wear down over time. That often […]
Feeling Nervous Over Nerve Problems
Take a guess at how many steps you take a day? Seriously, just guess. You may be shocked in finding out that the typical person takes anywhere between five thousand to ten thousand steps every day. So obviously, our feet are definitely subject to stress, which is mostly put upon […]
Dealing with Pain from the Hip to the Foot
There are a lot of types of pain that may cause us concern, but if there is pain over an extended area of the body, you may be even more worried. Sometimes, you may feel some pain from your hip to your foot, and wonder what is going on, since […]
Say Goodbye to Foot Pain! Discover the Secrets Now!
The foot is an extremely complex part of the body. The foot comprises one hundred and twenty fixed muscles, nerves and ligaments, twenty-six bones, and thirty-three joints. However, foot pain is a major problem today, even though very few people are born with problems that would cause them to feel […]
Causes of Foot Pain While Running
So, you’re someone that likes to run, and you like to run a lot. That’s great, except your running is causing you to be in a lot of pain. Why would you have foot pain while running? What causes the foot pain and, most importantly, how can you make it […]
3Q MG-F18 Foot Massager with Shiatsu, Kneading, Air pressure massage and Heat Function Review
Feet issues are a huge issue for many people. There are several people who spend their entire days on their feet, resulting in pain in their feet and throughout the rest of their body. Other people find that they have illnesses that affect their circulation, resulting in feet that are […]
Gut Bacteria May Be Implicated in Rheumatoid Arthritis
There are many people out there who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and although all the medical professionals out there have at least heard about it (if not dealt with patients suffering from it in numerous occasions), there are still many things that remain a mystery to the medical world when […]
How to Manage Fibromyalgia Tremors
You already know that muscles are the single most impacted part of our bodies when we get Fibromyalgia. So, whether we are talking about diagnosing or treating the condition, we have to talk about our muscles. One of, if not the, most common symptom of Fibromyalgia is the tremors, sometimes […]
How Does Anti-Inflammatory Diet Affect Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia affects approximately 3-6% of the world population and is one of the most common chronic pain conditions. What Is Fibromyalgia? The symptoms of fibromyalgia range from mild to severe and appear to change a person’s pain pathways. The changes in the pain pathways cause a person suffering from fibromyalgia […]
How Fibromyalgia Latest Research Will Help with Future Treatments?
There are many brain conditions that are still part of a mystery. It is difficult to analyze someone’s brain because one tiny misconception and the problem can become much bigger. We can say that brain conditions are the only ones that we haven’t determined yet. At the same time, we […]
How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis
How do people manage something that can be as debilitating as rheumatoid arthritis? There is no cure for it and there doesn’t seem to be any single solution that will help in and of itself. When you do the reading and researching about the various common medications prescribed for rheumatoid […]
A New Life – Coping With RA
Rheumatoid arthritis (or RA, as it is sometimes shortened) is a disease that is as common as it is mysterious. Millions of people from all over the world suffer from this auto-immune disease and they still do not know what is it that caused it exactly. As a matter of fact, […]
Intestinal Bacteria Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis
The human body is a magnificent mechanism and although there were significant improvements made in the field of medicine, there are still certain things that remain a mystery. Rheumatoid arthritis and gut bacteria are just two of the things related to the human body who still puzzle the entire medical […]
Using Vitamins to Manage Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a condition currently affecting millions of people all over the globe. Characterized by chronic muscle pain, poor sleep, and unrelenting fatigue, scientists are currently baffled as to what actually causes the disorder. The disorder is found to be more common in women and while there is currently no […]
Why Could Fibromyalgia Raise your Blood Pressure?
For anyone who has ever researched or who are dealing with fibromyalgia, they find that there are several smaller symptoms that go along with having this illness. Many people think that fibromyalgia is nothing more than pain and fatigue. However, this pain and fatigue almost always lead to other issues throughout […]
Shared Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Autism
As more and more research is performed on fibromyalgia, we are finding that several other conditions that a person may suffer from are related to having fibromyalgia. However, despite all the research that has been done, there are still tons of questions. There are still studies that are being performed […]
Fibromyalgia and Difficulty Speaking
One issue that numerous Fibromyalgia and M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) sufferers experience every now and then issue with their speech. This is something that they discover hard to manage in any case, however, through time the issue is one that happens and the sufferer and people around them figure out how […]
Fibromyalgia and Mood Disorder
Mood disorders and chronic pain are related on multiple levels. The genes that regulate the synthesis of serotonin transporter, opioid receptors, and inflammatory mediators seem to be compromised in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) as well as in patients with chronic pain. Other similar factors may predispose individuals to […]
Men and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Women are not the only persons in danger of developing rheumatoid arthritis: men are more commonly being diagnosed with the condition, too. This painful condition affects the joints in the body, causing flare-ups which can be debilitating. Scientists are unsure of the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis, however there are […]
Minimizing Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Through Helpful Physical Measures
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a type of chronic inflammatory condition that affects the joints. This condition can also affect other tissues in the body. While the causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not known, some scientists and doctors feel that smoking increases both the risk and the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. The […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Aerobic Exercise
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease you most definitely heard about even before you or someone close to you was diagnosed with it. The reason you probably knew about it before this moment is related to the fact that this is one of the most commonly encountered diseases of the joints. […]
Get Rid of Your Sciatica Once and For All
Sciatica is the pain that radiates along your sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the one branching from your lower back, through your hips and butt and then down each of your legs. In most cases, the condition of sciatica will only affect one side of your body. Most often, […]
Sciatic Nerve Pain: Why and How?
Sciatica is the condition of feeling symptoms, including pain, which is the result of the pressure or irritation of nerve roots on sciatic nerves. There are many different symptoms for sciatic nerve pain, but most of the pain can be felt in the lower back, buttocks, and legs and feet. […]
Why Are You Feeling Sudden Sharp Pain in the Foot?
Pain is never something to play around with. Of course, certain types of pain are common and they may not be related to very serious underlying issues – but then there are those types of pain which are actually the sign of a more serious problem and which should be […]
Should You Avoid Coffee with Fibromyalgia
If you look like most adults out there, you are going to be reaching for a cup of coffee from time to time. You may drink this every morning to get up and ready for your day. Or you may reach for a cup of coffee during the late afternoon when […]
Sleep Deprivation EEG – knowing your brain while you sleep
What is sleep deprivation? Studies prove that six to seven hours of sleep in a day is required by an average adult for normal health and daytime functioning. But if due to certain factors, a person is not able to get this minimum amount of sleep, then he or she […]
What Medication for Hypersomnia is available?
If you have been diagnosed with hypersomnia you may be wondering what treatments are available and what medication for hypersomnia is available too. Unfortunately, there is no specific medication developed for this disorder, but there are several existing medications that have proven to help some people manage or control their […]
Best Information About Cellulite
What is cellulite? Cellulite is is a disease of the epidermis and cells of the epidermis. As opposed to impetigo, which is a very trivial epidermis disease, cellulite is a disease that also includes the skins deeper-layers: the subcutaneous and skin cells. The key parasites cause cellulite is are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (staph), […]
All About Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
Compelling benefits of drinking lemon water Lemon an excellent citrus-fruit, is the best source of, not only offering your body system with vitamin-C to improve your body system but it also can help you lose that excess fat on your body to a good level and give it a beautiful […]
How to Make Your Boobs Grow Faster – Natural Remedies
Having beautiful, attractive, soft and large breast is the need of every mature woman. Large breast attracts more to men and it is a good way to win the heart of your loved one. A good point about having large breast is that it also gives great confidence to the […]
Home Remedies For Bigger Breasts – Get Natural Treatment
Healthy Breasts – Dream of Millions Many women feel completely insecure because of their small breasts. Getting large, attractive, appealing & beautiful breasts is a dream for every modern day woman. But many women don’t find any kind of way to increase their breast size because it is a big […]
Sagging Breast – Causes & Solutions
Significance of breasts The breast is among the most intimately revealing areas of a girl’s body system. Most girls try to keep their breasts looking as strong, full and catchy as possible. No one wants to have sagging breast. So what are the choices to keep your breast looking as excellent […]
Exercises to Reduce Breast Size – Go Natural to Reduce your Breasts
Significance of Breasts Size of breasts is something on which many ladies talk about. A number of them want to have larger sized boobies that they have now, but some of them want to have small sized ones. For making it real, many of them do the breast surgery treatment. […]
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with Apnea
This is a very common sleep disorder in which the individual has one- or multiple- pauses in their breathing, or even breathes shallowly when sleeping. These pauses in breathing can last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes. They can occur thirty or more times within one […]
How Gluten Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis
Eating foods that contain gluten can lead to the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints. Intolerance to gluten can lead to the small intestine being damaged whenever gluten is present. Gluten is a protein that can […]
What does idiopathic hypersomnia mean?
Everyone loves having the time to take a nap, so it can be hard to imagine what would be so bad about having a condition like idiopathic hypersomnia and napping a lot. Unfortunately, idiopathic hypersomnia is a very disruptive condition. The good news is it is very rare. People who […]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Jaw and Facial Tenderness
Generally understanding fibromyalgia syndrome, depending on how long one has suffered with the condition symptoms can be localized, partially generalized, or fully generalized throughout the entire body to the point of being pervasive. Therefore, it is not unusual for sufferers to experience pain in multiple areas of the body. Often, […]
How Does Low Frequency Sound Therapy Help Fibromyalgia?
Sound therapy is one of those things that many of us don’t think about until it’s presented to us. Because of that, it’s definitely something that we feel that you should be looking at. In this article, we’re going to take a quick look at low frequency sound therapy (sometimes […]
How to Naturally Reduce Breast Size – Go Natural to Reduce Your Breasts
Why women want little breasts? You will discover many healthcare factors why big breasted ladies want to decrease the size of their breasts. Most ladies think that it is g good have large breast but if you are one of those big breasted ladies, you know that larger is not […]
How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally at Home
Fashion standards are everywhere you turn your head: TV, movies, magazines and even at your local drugstore market. And while it is completely natural to want to look at your best, it is insane to risk your health to obtain a perfectly fashionable body. The best body is that in […]
Breast Size – Everything You’ve Always Wondered
Boobs are almighty. Yeah, you heard me. Boobs are a symbol of a woman since forever. You do not want to underestimate the power of women’s boobs. Everyone loves boobs, men even women admire a good pair of breasts. Female breasts are adorned in all fields, in all arts, in all […]
How to Reduce Breast Size in 7 Days
If you are like most of the people out there, you like looking great. However, this can mean different things to different people and you should never actually follow a trend if you do not feel comfortable with it. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, but before […]
Overnight Weight Loss: How to Lose Pounds Over a Single Night?
Can anyone lose a good amount of weight overnight? Seems like a dream, is not it? But yes, you can lose weight simply when you sleep. So amazing! If you try to understand the simple working pattern of your body, you will understand how you can lose weight overnight. Do […]
Poly Fibromyalgia: What is this?
Poly fibromyalgia is often called polymyalgia. For those who hear the illness’s name, it sounds as though it would be something similar to fibromyalgia, maybe slightly less painful than the real deal. However, that is not the deal. These are two separate illnesses. Though, they are very similar in nature, […]
Genetic Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus
Rheumatoid Arthritis and lupus are two very common autoimmune disorders that can be debilitating to the person who is suffering. While these conditions affect women greater than they affect men, both sexes are potentially in danger of developing one or both of the conditions. While it is still unknown the […]
Why Is The Top of My Foot Painful and Swollen?
Many of us have heard of or dealt with swollen feet at one point in our lives, and because of that, we usually ignore it. The issue is, there may be a bigger problem that we aren’t seeing under the surface. What are some of the causes of foot swelling? […]
Why You Might Develop Sharp Pains In Your Foot’s Arch
No part of the foot is safe from foot pain. People with foot pain usually feel mild to severe pain in an isolated part of their foot. Sometimes, the pain affects the entirety of either foot. In rare cases, the pain affects both feet at the same time. Foot pain […]
Is There any Effective Hypersomnia Treatment?
Hypersomnia is a rare and serious disorder that is a part of the family of sleep deprivation conditions. It is one of the most disruptive to a person’s life and when someone has it, they are typically unable to work or maintain relationships. With hypersomnia, a person may wind up […]
Psychological Effects and Coping Strategies for FM Sufferers
For those who suffer from fibromyalgia, you likely know that it’s just as much of a psychological struggle as a physical one. Because of that, it’s important for us to have a full understanding of the disorder and to get the help that we need in order to make sure […]
Central Sleep Apnea Causes
If you have been diagnosed with central sleep apnea you may be wondering what caused it to develop. There are many different central sleep apnea causes and it is rare that just one is the isolated cause. This type of apnea tends to mostly affect men over 40 who are […]
Treating Muscle Spasms in Fibromyalgia
The term ‘muscle spasm’ can sometimes be confused with other, similar terms. By definition, a muscle spasm is simply a sudden and painful contraction of muscles that can go on anywhere from two seconds to multiple minutes, and happens repeatedly (this is what differentiates muscle ‘spasm’ from muscle ‘spasms.’ Muscle spasm […]
Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain with Yoga
The Arthritis Foundation estimates that there are more than 1.3 million people in the US who suffer from RA. This type of arthritis is marked by an inflammation found in the synovial lining in the joints and this leads directly to damage of the joints themselves, pain that is severely […]
Can You Have Both Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an auto-immune disease that affects millions and millions of people out there. Although it is quite commonly encountered and although almost all the medical professionals out there have dealt with at least one patient suffering from it, rheumatoid arthritis continues to be a mystery even today, in […]
Why You Might Experience Unexplained Foot Pain
Foot pain. Everyone gets foot pain at some point in their lives. Most people get foot pain from injuries. In fact, that’s probably the most common source of foot pain. Whether the foot pain occurs because of a deep strain in the foot or an open wound, injury is by […]
Fibromyalgia and Irritability
A standout amongst the most difficult of all fibromyalgia side effects, as indicated by sufferers and their friends and family is irritability. As indicated by medicinal experts, irritability is a sentiment moderate to an extreme disturbance that is prone to happen when incited to some degree. Basically, the person that encounters […]
10 Ways to Show Love to Someone with Depression
Your loved one is really struggling with depression, which may make you feel frustrated, confused, and distress yourself. Perhaps you may feel as if you are walking on eggshells since you are afraid of offending them even more. Maybe you keep offering your pieces of advice, which they are not […]
The Best Diet for Diabetes
Diabetes is not an unheard disease these days. With highly imbalanced food habits and lack of attention towards increasing body weight, the problem of diabetes is affecting most of the people above 40’s these days. Due to over pressure of work and to stand affirm in this highly competitive world […]
How to avoid developing hypersomnia depression
If you have hypersomnia, or know someone that does, then you should be aware that very often a form of hypersomnia depression will also develop. The hypersomnia is devastating enough to someone’s life, adding in depression can make it almost unbearable. Fortunately, it is a recognized risk with the disorder […]
11 Things You Should Not Do During a Depressive Episode
About Depression Depression can be likened to a repetitive sense of hopelessness, self-loathing, and emotional turmoil that disrupts one’s state of life. Just as many behavior patterns can conjure feelings of depression, this illness can also give rise to noticeable behavior patterns that further extend the issue. Recovering from depression […]
Why You Might Develop Bilateral Foot Pain Or Pain In Both Feet
Foot pain typically radiates in one localized part of the foot, usually at the bottom of foot (around the heel) or along the arch. Sometimes, foot pain radiates throughout the entire foot, making it difficult to walk. Though, what if you developed what’s known as bilateral foot pain. Not only […]
Diabetes – Here is a closer look at the Disease
Wе’vе аll heard аbоut dіаbеtеѕ and may еvеn knоw ѕоmеоnе suffering from іt. It іѕ реrhарѕ оnе оf thе more common diseases known as tо mаnу. Dіаbеtеѕ іѕ a dіѕеаѕе whеrе thе bоdу fаіlѕ tо rеgulаtе thе quantity оf ѕugаr оr gluсоѕе іn the blооd. Thе раnсrеаѕ is thе humаn […]
Copper Deficiency & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Could a copper deficiency cause rheumatoid arthritis? A lack of this trace element in the bloodstream could very well be responsible for this condition. Copper is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolic process, and without enough the body greatly suffers. What is Copper? Copper is a trace mineral […]
Can Progesterone Therapy Grant Fibromyalgia Relief?
For years, people have been trying to find the best way to deal with their fibromyalgia. It can be really hard to find the relief that you need from your fibromyalgia symptoms, so you likely want to see what other people are doing in order to find relief. Because there […]
The all-important connection between Diabetes and Exercise
It is quite evident that exercise makes it easier for Diabetes Care. Apart from the diet and the medication that you undergo, exercise plays a major role in keeping your condition under control. There were many research undertaken to understand the effect of Diabetes and steps to keep it under […]
The Potent Endometriosis Smoothies
Lately, smoothies are in endless varieties and forms. However, to accurately ascertain what combination of ingredients produces best results remain an enigma. There is an assorted combination of nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables to superfoods and powders, just to mention a few. Nevertheless, what you intend to achieve with […]
The Clinical Presentations of Diabetes – Be on the Look Out and evade the Consequences
When human body reaches an inability state to produce insulin by itself, that state is called Diabetes. This is due to autoimmune destruction of cells in pancreas which is the beta cells. In other words Diabetes can also be categorized as a chronic illness. This is mostly seen starting for […]
Neurological Disorders: Is Fibromyalgia Included in this Category?
When a person thinks of a neurological disorder, they often think of Parkinson’s disease or someone who has had a stroke. A neurological disorder is categorized as a disease of the brain, spine and nerves that connect these two. However, what many people wonder is if Fibromyalgia is a neurological […]
The Bridge of Foot Pain
Foot pain is something that many people have to endure. There are many different types of foot pain as well as many different causes of them, but one of the more prevalent types of foot pain is the pain in the bridge, or the arch, of the foot. Causes There are […]
Central Sleep Apnea in Children
If your child is a restless sleeper or stops breathing while sleeping for noticeable periods, they may have central sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea in children was once thought to be harmless and treated as a phase to be outgrown; new studies have shown that the impact of central sleep […]
The Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Autoimmunity
It’s time for a pop quiz. What do Type 1 diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis and Grave’s Disease all have in common? One of them affects blood sugar, another joints. One affects the spinal cord and brain and the last one makes the thyroid go into overdrive. Have you […]
Do Your Feet Hurt While You Sleep Too?
Yes, they do. In fact, the time of day that people most complain about their feet is after they wake up. Maybe this is just because they’ve been having pain in their feet for a while, and when they wake up they aren’t used to it after the previous day. […]
Fibromyalgia and Sensitivity to Light and Sound
It is basic for individuals with fibromyalgia are extremely touchy to light and sound; they feel narrow-mindedness to everything around them. It is trusted that these impacts emerge in light of the fact that a few substances in the mind increase signals from outside and on the grounds that the […]
9 Depressingly Telling Signs It’s a Bad Date
Good Dates And Bad Dates The hallmark of a stellar date is one that sparks physical and mental chemistry galore.Unfortunately, most people have struggled through an insufferable date that left them baffled, and creeped out. Your dating experiences with a particular individual may portend your future potential with that person. […]
Take a Chelation Therapy Break and Help your Fibromyalgia Feel Better Now
If you are interested in trying an alternative therapy to help with your fibromyalgia, consider trying chelation therapy. Although this is a traditional therapy for people suffering from heavy metal poisoning, chelation therapy has become a popular alternative therapy for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia. Through the process of chelation therapy, […]
Sugary Drinks and Rheumatoid Arthritis Linked?
has been a new study done that has definitely linked RA and sugary drinks. Other studies have linked these drinks with conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and many other health issues. The study, conducted by a researcher named Yang Hu linked only drinks sweetened with sugar to the […]
Why Do My Feet Hurt After Sitting?
Are you one of many Americans who work at a job that involves sitting at a desk all day? Are you someone that doesn’t do a lot of physical activity on a regular basis? If this is you, then you’re in the majority of Americans nowadays. Physical activity is definitely not […]
Why You Might Experience Throbbing Pain In Your Foot
Foot pain arises from various circumstances. The most unmistakable circumstances involve injury. You could be walking around, and then accidentally stub your foot against a hard surface. Some people step on hard or sharp objects or cut their feet when handing them, which leads to inflammation and healing wounds that […]
Hallucinations due to chronic sleep loss – You day dream if you are not sleeping at night
When you are extremely sleep deprived then there may arise a condition when you start doubting your wisdom. You may wonder about the existence of certain things which you see but they do not really exist. There can be varied reasons of sleep deprivation for different people. People usually give […]
9 Celebrities with Depression and How They Cope
Depression can affect anybody. It affects the rich, the poor, the young, the sick, the healthy, the old, and more. It does not discriminate, and whereas some people can be more prone to depression than others, the actual fact is that any person can suffer from depression. The most successful, […]
9 Ways to Beat Obesity and Depression
Obesity and depression often go hand in hand, either one can often lead to the other in some cases which means that both illnesses are usually treated together. Whether you want to take the natural and medicated approach, there are a host of different ways that you can combat depression […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Strength Training
Rheumatoid arthritis affects more than one million people in the United States of America and millions of other people around the world. As commonly encountered as this disease is, as little there is actually known about it. In truth, even researchers admit that the only thing they know about it […]
What are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that results in a type of systemic inflammatory disorder that is chronic and can affect many of the organs and tissues in the body but tends to favor the joints. It can be a condition that is disabling, painful and even deforming and can […]
How Does Fibromyalgia Affect your Body?
For those who have been given the diagnosis of having fibromyalgia, they are going to find that this can affect the body in various ways. In fact, many people find that it is easier to state the ways in which the illness is not affecting the body! There are several […]
A Fast Growning Eріdеmіс Condition
Diabetics Dіаbеtеѕ ѕtаtеѕ teenage flatly іѕ fast bесоmіng a crisis. It’ѕ оbvіоuѕlу аn еріdеmіс, and іt could brіng in thе hеаlth ѕеrvісе tо its knееѕ. Sоmеthіng does nееd tо hарреn. Thе еffесtѕ for the NHS, оbvіоuѕlу, dоn’t thinking about. Dіаbеtеѕ already соѕtѕ thе ѕеrvісе аrоund £1m an hоur, аррrоxіmаtеlу 10% […]
Uncovering Diabetes – The Mother of The Diseases of Civilization
In the modern age, diabetes is one big disease which people are much worried of. Most of the people in the whole world is affected with diabetes and that is the reason why it is called the mother of diseases of civilization. There are many harmful effects of diabetes. If […]
Fibromyalgia and Vomiting: Is this Normal?
When you hear about someone who has fibromyalgia, often the first thing that you think of is the pain that they must feel. Most people associate this illness by having extreme pain and feeling tired all the time. However, there are tons of other issues that go hand in hand […]
Wonders And Remedies of Essential Oils
The history of medicinal plants goes back to centuries ago when the human beings experimented with the natural resources to harness their benefits. One thing which Mother Nature has bestowed us with is the essential oils which are extracted from different parts of plants for medicinal and health purposes. These […]
Sick and tired of cellulite holding you back? Try this brand new cure!
Cellulite is very common amongst both men and women. It can make you lose all confidence in showing off your thighs, and with summer now here, it can make preparing to go to the beach a real nightmare rather than the exciting and relaxing experience it should be. Being self-conscious […]
Super Fruits with Superb Results Against Cancer
Cancer is one of the most leading causes of death in today’s world. It is induced by the diet we take. Incorporation of healthy and organic diet in our daily routine is essential to fight the risks of cancer. Eating junk food can trigger the chances of getting cancer. Even […]
Healthy tips to improve your digestive system
The best possible way to sustain a healthy digestive system is to stay hydrated, eat healthy especially foods containing high fiber), and consuming foods rich in probiotics. In every busy world, it is becoming more difficult to monitor our diets, especially when we are busy, over-stressed, and over-worked, all these […]
6 Weird Facts About Stretch Marks
For many couples, pregnancy is one of the most exciting and most looked forward to events in their life. Seeing that little positive sign on a pregnancy test brings about a variety of feelings of excitement, warmth, and concern for what’s about to happen. Over the years countless women have […]
Insomnia: When the Sandman Refuses to Come By
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder characterized by being unable to fall asleep, unable to stay asleep, or a combination of both. Individuals with insomnia will either have extremely poor-quality sleep, or not even get enough at all. As a result, they don’t feel refreshed when they wake. This […]
What are the organic alternates of anti-depressants?
Are you facing difficulty while concentrating? Are you feeling helpless frequently? Are you experiencing mood swings? Are you isolating yourself more often nowadays? Are you having low self-esteem? Are you finding sleep a very tough task? Are you talking or thinking about the death mostly? Are you blaming yourself for […]
Medi-Rub Foot Massager 2000 Plus review
For those who have occasional or chronic foot pain, a foot massager is one recommendation that they may often be given. However, when looking at the market, there are numerous foot massagers to purchase. They all have something about them that makes them appealing, and when this is the case, […]
Homedics FMS-270H Deep Kneading Shiatsu Foot Massager Review
At the end of a long day, many people crave a foot massage. Especially those who have been on their feet for the majority of the day. The Homedics FMS-270H Deep Kneading Shiatsu Foot Massager is one of the machines available for use in the home that has relatively high […]
MedMassager MMF06 11 Speed Foot Massager Review
Feet issues are a common complaint of those who are on the feet a lot throughout the day or for those who have medical issues that affect their feet. A foot massager is a great way to relieve some of this pain, help to loosen the muscles in the feet […]
HoMedics FB – 600 Foot Salon Pro Pedicure Spa with Heat Review
When dealing with sore feet or other feet issues, a pedicure spa is often recommended. However, there are several on the market, making it a hard decision on which spa to purchase. The HoMedics FB – 600 Foot Salon Pro Pedicure Spa with Heat is one of the models that […]
10 Ways that no one tells you to detox your body naturally
Your environment has an influence on your overall health. Whenever you go outside, the environmental toxins and pollutants try to invade your systems. Some of them may be escaped out, but some deadly pollutants may enter into your systems. But above all, you stay active and disease-free life. What is […]
16 Superfoods To Eat During Pregnancy
The pregnant mum needs to be nourished effectively during the pregnancy trimesters; she is not providing nourishment for herself only but for the baby, likewise. To avoid severe birth defects, the pregnant mum must maintain a healthy lifestyle, including; staying away from alcohol and cigarettes and unhealthy diets that can […]
Top antiviral herbs! Why does one require antiviral herbs in the first place?
Changing weather is the time of the year when many people fall ill. This is due to the fact that during this time of the year viruses tend to thrive on almost everything. People end up with a cold, cough, flu, fever, irritation, a runny nose, and loads of other […]
What do your fingernails say about your health?
It is no surprise that one’s eyes can tell you everything that is going on in a person’s head. It is said that through the eyes you can see the other person’s soul; however, did you know that you can tell about one’s health by simply taking a look at […]
Get rid of bloating with Ginger
Ginger is one of the most pungent rhizome plants that offer numerous benefits and some of these are associated with providing relieve against digestive abnormalities. Ginger is known to possess powers to decrease intestinal gas. How does Ginger helps digestion? Ginger can be added unto your daily meal recipes, and […]
Things you should do before the arrival of your baby- Preparing for motherhood
As a young mother, nothing puts you in a joyous mood more than watching your baby arrive safely and sound. As a mother, you need to know what gear you need, how to care for your newborn baby, and how to prepare for your maternity leave beforehand. If you can […]
Knowing About the Essential Oils For Women Health
Women have to go through a lot. Not only do they have to take care of their professional life they have to take care of their homes as well. Trying to keep up with all of the responsibilities prevents women from taking care of their own self. This leads to […]
Understanding and Curing Iodine deficiency
Iodine is basically the natural element which is responsible for the production of thyroid hormone inside our body. The human body lacks the ability to make this essential nutrient, iodine, by itself and thus, the need of our body has to be taken care of through diet. Foods with Iodine […]
Are Almonds good for you? Read the facts
There are incredible researches that backup many health claims made on Almonds. Almonds are popular nutritious tree nuts, and despite the fact that they contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, they provide the body with some of the most essential nutrients you can ever asked for in a natural […]
The 10 Health Benefits of Lemongrass You Should Know About
Now, there is a possibility that you might have heard a lot about lemongrass. A lot of people may not believe that lemongrass has a lot uses. However, research has proven that lemongrass has a lot of health benefits hidden inside of it. Here we will take a lot at […]
The 9 Superfoods that help to melt the belly fat
Are you ashamed of your peeking belly fat? Have you tried all of the tasteless boiled vegetables, and numerous other diets, but could not see any difference? Well, there is no need for you to feel depressed or upset because there is still hope for you yet. A lot of […]
Salt Water Flush! The Best Way To Cleanse The Colon
Colon Cleansing Colon or the large intestine is an important part of your body and responsible for detoxification. Owing to the kind of world that we live in there are a lot of food products, is manufactured by companies, that aren’t as healthy as we might think them to be. […]
Ways to Avoid Back Pains During Pregnancy
The weight of your growing baby can trigger back pain occasionally, and it is an issue you have to deal with especially in the third and final trimesters of your pregnancy. Aside from the weight of the growing baby, the pressure exerted by the uterus on your nerves and blood […]
What Can Occupational Therapy Do For Fibromyalgia Patients?
If you have fibromyalgia, you probably have to work with a number of different therapists in order to keep your symptoms under control. This is rather normal, and nothing to be alarmed about. One of the therapists that you may be referred to is called an occupational therapist. What do […]
Dealing With Fibromyalgia and Mood Disorders
Mood swings are quite common among individuals fibromyalgia and the main reason being that the condition causes pains in the muscles and soft tissues. Mood swings can also be aggravated with disruption to sleep, caused by the effect of fibromyalgia. Since the condition remains persistently chronic, the pain will trigger […]
A magical remedy to relieve you from sciatica pain! Garlic Milk!
Sciatica can be a headache to deal with. It occurs when there is an irritation in the sciatic nerve, or more precisely when a herniated disk, the bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. Inflammation or compression due to the […]
Effective Remedies For Spider Veins
Have your ever noticed web-like network of tiny veins on your legs or ankles? If yes then don’t panic at all since you are not the only one going through this experience. These veins are commonly called Spider veins which are harmless and might even vanish on their own. However […]
Why should you subtract sugar from your life?
Everyone wants sweetness in their life. Sugar is the basic element that adds sweetness in everyone’s life and food. Not only sugar is important for fulfilling our temptation, yet, it is also necessary for carrying out the normal functions of the body efficiently and smoothly. But, it doesn’t mean that […]
Does your gut troubling? Know 8 signs of unhealthy gut!
Whatever you eat and drink, it digests quickly, but sometimes, you may experience sudden abdominal pain and you can’t really understand what and why is it happening? Most of the people suspect food poisoning, but, it could be more than diarrhea and nausea. You won’t estimate that how sensitive your […]
How to kick out stress from your life through mindfulness technique?
We all are too busy in our busy and hectic lives. No one even considers that how stress is working as a serious pathogen in our life and unfortunately, we all are not paying attention to it. Even most of us don’t have 5 minutes to sit down calm and […]
Improve sleep naturally! Do you find it difficult to fall asleep?
Amongst the many daily struggles of a person, trying to fall asleep happens to be the most annoying one. No matter how tired you may be it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep! There are many who struggle to fall asleep; tossing around in bed waiting for sleep to come […]
Ice vs. Heat : What’s the better for your pain?
There seem to be so much confusion about the treatment of pains with ice and heat. This confusion should not be because therapeutic use of ice and heat through Cryotherapy and thermotherapy procedures are effective. Both ice and heat treatments are quite rational, and they belong to a group of […]
How Effective is Neurofeedback for Fibromyalgia?
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that can help people with fibromyalgia reduce some of their symptoms by altering their brainwave patterns. Symptoms such as depression, chronic pain, and others can be reduced or sometimes eliminated to help patients live better and be more comfortable as they go about their […]
How to Remove Kidney Stones Naturally
The human body is a machine which continuously works out in order to sustain its health. The internal mechanisms are designed in such a way by nature that unnecessary things get eliminated from the body. The mechanism of elimination consists of two ways: though urination and through anal excretion. The […]
7 Foods that help you sleep
Everything in this universe makes use of a system in order to function. Energy is being interchanged through the circle of life all around us. Even machines have a system they use to be efficient. In the same manner the human body itself contains several systems working specifically for certain […]
7 Of Natures Best Herbs for Treating Inflammation
Herbs contain a high concentration of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants to help improve the nutrient content in different dishes. Just by adding the best herbs for curing inflammation, you instantly upgrade the flavor and benefits of the food without adding more calories. In truth, a single gram of fresh herbs […]
10 Miraculous Natural Antibiotics
Antibiotics are considered the magic potion for treating various bacterial infections and are the most commonly prescribed drugs. However, the overuse of these drugs can lead to different problems like antibiotic resistance and even certain negative side effects like bad digestive system or lower immunity. They can even kill our […]
8 Most Commonly Occurring Metabolic Disorders
Our body is a storehouse of immense amount of energy being produced through various chemical reactions and this is what metabolism is! The intake of food is followed by breaking down of all the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food to release energy for our use and converting nitrogen to […]
Overview of Fibromyalgia and Edema
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a health condition in which researchers believe the brain magnifies the sensation of pain that is really suffered. This pain is known to be musculoskeletal and devoid of any type of trigger. The pain is likewise usually associated with other conditions like fatigue, anxiety, headaches, depression, etc. […]
Fibromyalgia Medication Lists NUTMEGS
All around educated about the earnestness and danger of the disease, Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition described by strong or musculoskeletal torment with solidness and confined delicacy at particular focuses on the body. It is a mind-boggling disorder that does not present the same arrangement of indications, nor react to […]
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Jaw and Facial Tenderness
Generally understanding fibromyalgia syndrome, depending on how long one has suffered from the condition symptoms can be localized, partially generalized, or fully generalized throughout the entire body to the point of being pervasive. Therefore, it is not unusual for sufferers to experience pain in multiple areas of the body. Often, […]
The use of Lyrica to manage fibromyalgia
Lyrica is the first medicine approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition wherein a person suffering from it experiences chronic widespread muscle pain all over. There are many types of medicines used to treat fibromyalgia, Lyrica being one of them. What is Lyrica? Lyrica is a […]
How Does the Rehab Approach See Fibromyalgia?
Rehabilitation has become a big deal in today’s society, whether it’s in the realm of addiction or if you’re recovering from some sort of injury. Either way, the rehab approach has been applied to a variety of different situations and disorders, and a lot of famous people with chronic diseases […]
Is Infertility Common in Fibromyalgia Patients?
The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- is one that is characterized by the following signs and symptoms: Widespread pain Fatigue Insomnia Anxiety/depression Tender points/trigger points Headaches Stiffness upon waking Heavy periods Severe menstrual cramping Difficulty concentrating This condition is one that affects millions of people across the world and is […]
Carpal Tunnel; Is Your Wrist Pain Related to Your Fibromyalgia?
Perhaps you were given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and lately, you’ve been more aware of the pain and discomfort in your wrists and hands along with the pain and discomfort of the condition of fibro. If you’ve also been experiencing tingling and numbness along with the pain and discomfort in […]
Fibro & Numbness: What is Causing that Numb/Tingly Feeling?
The condition of fibromyalgia, or fibro, is one that is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, widespread pain, and even numbness/tingling. For most individuals, a beautiful new morning brings with it plenty of energy to jump up and get going, right? This is not the case for those individuals who […]
Fibromyalgia and Amenorrhea: Lack of Periods Due to Fibro?
The process of normal menstruation is referred to as menses and is just one portion of your body’s menstrual cycle, during which your body prepares to become pregnant each month. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of your period- the first day that you have bleeding- to the […]
TMJ as a Symptom of Fibro
Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, results in jaw pain and is much more common in those individuals with the conditions of fibromyalgia- or fibro- and/or chronic fatigue syndrome- or CFS- than it is in any other portion of the population. It is believed that over 10 million people […]
Do You Have Painful Joints with Your Fibromyalgia?
Here are a few quick facts about the condition of fibromyalgia, or fibro. Between 2-4 percent of the population is affected by this condition. Women are affected by this condition more often than men. Physicians typically diagnose this condition based upon all relevant signs and symptoms, not just on the […]
Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivity
Is it possible for chemicals to cause fibromyalgia or does the syndrome cause chemical sensitivity? The issue is one of those “chicken or the egg topics”. Regardless, many different types of stimuli can set off a horrible cascade of inflammation and pain for sufferers of fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity. We […]
What Causes Burning of Your Spine?
The condition of neuralgia is a spinal pain that is caused by compression or injury to the spine and is often described as a burning pain. This type of pain can have electric, tingling, or warm sensation and often may feel as if it is traveling from one area of […]
Is it Fibromyalgia or Food Allergies?
If you are suffering from the condition of fibro, chances are that you may have wondered whether or not it’s possible to modify your diet and improve your signs and symptoms. While it’s true that research has not yet confirmed that there are specific foods that should be avoided or […]
Eye Issues and Fibromyalgia
The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- has many different symptoms, which could possibly include weakened eye muscles and double vision. When you open your eyes and you see a single, clear image you may take it for granted. However, the truth is this process, which seems to be automatic is […]
Fibromyalgia and Rashes
Fibromyalgia is generally associated with pain and many other symptoms. The pain is chronic and overwhelming. When skin rashes arise with concomitant fibromyalgia syndrome, the typical question is whether or not an autoimmune disorder is also present as well. As fibromyalgia is most common in females and autoimmune disorders are […]
Fibromyalgia and Mood Swings
Since fibromyalgia is persistently chronic, pain and debilitation can have detrimental effects on emotional health. This does not necessarily mean it drives one crazy, but it can cause moodiness from time to time. Constant pain has a way of causing persistent stress. The first thing we must do is forgive […]
Fibromyalgia and Night Sweats
Fibromyalgia is such a complex condition and befuddles even the complex experts when it comes to cascading myriad symptoms. As night sweats, familiar to so many fibromyalgia sufferers come into play, the suffering is dynamic. The trauma is far more than simply waking up soaked in sweat. It is a […]
Do You Toss and Turn? Fibromyalgia and Insomnia
We’ve all experienced it. You go to bed tired and ready for a good night’s sleep, but your mind simply won’t shut off. As the hours’ tick by, you’re still awake and becoming increasingly anxious about getting enough sleep to be rested for the day ahead. Your anxiety then keeps […]
Fibromyalgia and Knee Pain
Fibromyalgia is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes widespread pain in muscles and joints throughout the body. It is also well known for causing constant, extreme fatigue. Sufferers may experience headaches and sensitivity to bright lights, loud sounds or strong scents. A large majority of those who are diagnosed with […]
Fibromyalgia and Back Pain
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common kinds of pain disorders today. Officially confirmed as a medical condition in 1981, medical professionals have learned more about the disease, its symptoms, and its possible causes as years have progressed. Because fibromyalgia is an “invisible disease” that doesn’t cause obvious outward symptoms, […]
My Arm Hurts- Is it Related to My Fibromyalgia?
Arm pain can be the result of a variety of different factors, including injury to the nerves, joints, soft tissues, bones, skin, and blood vessels. There are some chronic conditions, including a condition known as fibromyalgia that includes arm pain as a symptom. Depending upon the cause and the location […]
Fibromyalgia Pain and Your Shoulder Blade Pain
Your shoulder blades, or the scapula, are two flat bones along each side of the top of your back. They are connected to your humerus- or upper arm bones- and your clavicle- or collar bone- as well as to the muscles that are located in your arms, neck, and upper […]
Fibromyalgia and Loss of Libido
Fibromyalgia is commonly understood to be a painful condition; it causes widespread pain throughout the body, in the joints and muscles, as well as in the head and abdomen. Although it is often compared to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia doesn’t destroy joints as arthritis does. Typical symptoms of […]
Fibromyalgia and Polymenorrhea
The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- results in an increases sensitivity to touch, extreme tiredness, difficulty sleeping, muscle stiffness and so much more. This condition is one that typically occurs much more commonly in women than in men. The cause of the condition of fibro is not exactly clear. However, […]
Could Food Sensitivity Indicate Fibromyalgia?
A food intolerance, or sensitivity, has an effect on everyone at some point in their lives. Many times, an individual will have a reaction to something they ate and may wonder if they have a food allergy. In fact, 1 out of three people claims they have a food allergy […]
What’s With Fibromyalgia and Flushing?
In recent years, more and more people are learning about fibromyalgia and its various symptoms. Years ago, people with this disease were told that it was all in their heads; today, fibromyalgia is a named disorder with a specific diagnostic protocol. As a result of this, when someone says they […]
Fibromyalgia – an Exhausting Condition
Feeling sleepy is not uncommon after a hard day’s work or even after a too-long sleep. Tiredness is the body’s way of signaling that rest is required, and it is something that everybody will experience on a near-daily basis. For some, however, lethargy and tiredness simply never leave them alone. […]
17 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier and Happier Life
We all want to be healthy because we knowingly or unknowingly accept the fact that health is wealth. Being healthy is not only a state of body but a state of mind as well. Life can be enjoyed in a better way if you are hale and hearty because you […]
Importance of grape juice in the cure of migraine
What is a Migraine? A migraine is one of the most common disorders prevalent today, affecting approximately a billion people. A Migraine is classified as a headache disorder which features recurrent headaches as the disorder’s hallmark. Characteristically the headaches are present on one side of the head and are throbbing in […]
Break The Chains Of Laziness
The Embarrassing Question How many times have we pledged to ourselves that this time around I am going to stick to exercising? How many times have we started with great enthusiasm only to fall back in place at square one? If you are reflecting on the answer to any of […]
7 Ways to Prepare For Your Healthy Lifestyle Changes
The day-to-day сhоісеѕ you mаkе іnfluеnсе whеthеr уоu mаіntаіn vitality аѕ уоu аgе оr dеvеlор lіfе-ѕhоrtеnіng іllnеѕѕеѕ аnd disabling conditions like hеаrt disease, dіаbеtеѕ, hіgh blооd рrеѕѕurе, аnd ѕtrоkе. Yоu mау understand еxасtlу whаt уоu nееd tо dо tо enjoy a hеаlthіеr, happier lіfе: саrvе оut tіmе tо еxеrсіѕе, реrhарѕ, […]
Signs of Vitamin K Deficiency
The Role of Vitamin K Vitamin K is fat-soluble group of vitamins that are essential in the synthesis of proteins in the human body. The proteins that this class of vitamins help build are necessary for blood coagulation and calcium retention in bones and tissues. Vitamin K plays a central […]
Heavy Periods and Fibromyalgia: Are they Interrelated?
The condition of fibromyalgia- of fibro- is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and many other symptoms. Is it possible that part of the pain experienced by women with the condition of fibro could be menorrhagia? Menorrhagia is defined by prolonged or heavy menstrual periods and is the most common form […]
When You Just Can’t Go: Constipation and Fibromyalgia
The condition of IBS is very common among individuals with the condition of fibromyalgia. There are three types of irritable bowel syndrome: IBS-A (irritable bowel syndrome- alternating diarrhea and constipation); IBS-D (irritable bowel syndrome- diarrhea); and IBS-C (irritable bowel syndrome- constipation). Individuals who suffer from IBS with constipation report that […]
Heartburn – Simple Discomfort or Symptom of Fibromyalgia?
Have you ever experienced heartburn? The painful and uncomfortable condition is one that many suffer from, usually after eating large amounts of food or even just something particularly spicy. For most, it is something that is temporary and easily solved using an antacid and prevented by a change in eating […]
Sleeping and Chiropractic Care While Pregnant
When you become pregnant, you may start to notice that you’re experiencing many more sleep disturbances, such as heartburn, snoring, leg cramps, and nausea. Plus, if you already had bad sleep habits before you became pregnant, you will likely notice that pregnancy just compounds them. Here are a few tips […]
Dry, Itchy Skin: What’s the Link to Fibro?
If you have the condition of fibromyalgia- called fibro- chances are that you most likely understand exactly what it means to be uncomfortable in your own skin. The pain of fibro seems to be directly connected to your skin. Researchers believe that perhaps the discomfort and pain felt in your […]
You’re Pregnant: It’s Time to Let Everyone Know!
Getting pregnant is such a big deal! You don’t want to just casually slip this big announcement into a casual conversation, do you? Here are some rules on announcing your pregnancy and some great ideas for making this big announcement. How You Should & Shouldn’t Announce Your Pregnancy Tell Your […]
Healthy Pregnancy: The Relationship of Obesity and Pregnancy
Congrats- you’re expecting! Perhaps you’ve tried for many months- or even years- and it’s finally happened. Then again, maybe you really weren’t even trying. Either way- you have a bouncing baby on the way and you want to do everything you can to ensure that you have a healthy baby. […]
Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
Even if you typically make healthy choices regarding what you eat- you’re still most likely going to need to make a few changes when you become pregnant. You’re going to need additional nutrients in order for your body to keep up with the demands of a growing baby- and there […]
Fibromyalgia and TMJ; Looking Toward Solutions
Since fibromyalgia is a general disorder of specific syndromes of pain throughout the body marked by particular pressure points, there can be referrals of pain to other areas and related stresses. TMJ or temporomandibular joint pain disorder is also a syndrome of complex problems relating to the jaw and commonly […]
Stomach Pain and Bloating: Could it be Hypochlorhydria?
If you have stomach pain and bloating, it could be due to a condition that is known as achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria. This is a condition in which your stomach does not produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid or HCI. This condition is extremely common in those individuals who have been […]
Not Just Women: Men, Fibromyalgia and Impotence
Fibromyalgia affects women approximately three times more than men. Because of this, fibromyalgia is often an unexpected diagnosis when men are suffering from various symptoms of the condition (such as widespread pain, insomnia, chronic fatigue and the inability to focus and concentrate). The disease can be especially challenging for men, […]
Grinding Hip Pain: Painful, but is it Associated with Fibromyalgia?
Your hips are one of the largest weight-bearing joints in your entire body. When these joints are working properly, you are able to walk, bend, turn, and even sit without experiencing any pain. In order to keep these joints running smoothly, there is a complex network of cartilage, bones, tendons, […]
Women & Fibro: Do Fibromyalgia Symptoms Flare During Menstruation?
The signs and symptoms of conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, or interstitial cystitis seem to flare up in women just before and even during menstruation. Of course, all three of these are disorders that involve the autonomic nervous system- which involves the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. Your […]
Lupus & Fibromyalgia: Two Often Misunderstood Conditions
When you are suffering from the condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- or the condition of lupus, you feel symptoms such as fatigue, overall pain, and just a general feeling of not feeling well. These symptoms are just part of life. When you have both of them, you get these symptoms […]
Feeling Weak? It Could Be Fibromyalgia-Related
Fatigue and weakness are terms that are typically used interchangeably- as if they have the same meaning. However, they actually describe two completely different sensations. It is critical that you know exactly what you are referring to when you describe feeling weak or feeling fatigued. When you’re clear on what […]
Are You Feeling Confused? It Could be “Fibro Fog”
When you have the condition of fibromyalgia, you are all too familiar with the symptom of being confused, forgetful, difficulty with concentration, mixing up words, and short-term memory loss. Most of the ten million people living with the condition of fibromyalgia in the USA complain of these cognitive difficulties. These […]
What you can do About Fibromyalgia and Chronic Muscle Pain
Whether you have just discovered you have fibromyalgia or you have known about it for years, you are in pain. If you have had it for some time, you are more likely in a degree of pain above and beyond what you ever expected to be in and you have […]
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a very common musculoskeletal condition, second to osteoarthritis. However, it is still often misunderstood and even misdiagnosed. Since the symptoms often come and go and are not always visible, it has been called the “invisible illness.” This is because of the “invisible symptoms” of the condition. Some of […]
What you need to know about multiple sclerosis
Usually, the body’s immune system is ready to defend your body against anything foreign that can cause illness. But if a person is dealing with multiple sclerosis, better known by the initials MS, then that same immune system will actually damage and destroy the protective insulation that surrounds the body’s […]
Get Rid of those Stretch Marks!
With the joy of pregnancy comes the joy of body changes. For those mothers experiencing hormonal and skin changes, stretch marks may make their first appearance. Stretch marks can be an unsightly surprise to even the most fit and prepared mother to be. These markings can range from light to […]
Staying Hydrated: Tips for Getting Enough Fluids While Pregnant
Of course, you already know that it is critical that you keep hydrated all the time anyway- but it is of increased importance when you are pregnant. In addition, you must make sure that the water you are drinking is safe. Why Do You Need to Stay Hydrated? You’ve probably […]
Fit Pregnancy: Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy
Chances are, that when you’re having a hard time keeping your food down during your first trimester, dealing with changes in your body during your second, and finally, huffing/puffing just to get to the bathroom as you get close to your due date, exercise is the last thing on your […]
Eating for Two: Foods that You Should Avoid When Expecting
Congratulations! You’re expecting a bouncing bundle of joy! Maybe it was easy for you or maybe you’ve been trying for a very long time. No matter what your pregnancy story is- it’s finally happened. Now, you should be aware that what you eat and/or drink does have an influence on […]
Why Joints Hurt
Having some discomfort here or there after being active for a long time might seem like such a minor inconvenience, but it turns out that this could be the sign of a bigger health problem that has a number of names and faces. There are a number of different ways […]
17 Home Remedies For Cellulite
You’ll have some form of cellulite at some point in your life. It may be from having been pregnant, it may be from having gained and lost a few pounds, regardless of how you got it, now you want to rid yourself of it. Can you really do anything at […]
Amazing Smoothies That Melt Cellulite in Just a Couple of Days
Cellulite is a common and frustrating problem. Especially with summer now here, most of us want to be out wearing shorts, swimming costumes, and bikinis. However, if you, like many thousands of others worldwide, suffer from unsightly cellulite, you may feel slightly more resistant to wearing very revealing clothing. Is there […]
7 Things you Need to Know About Cellulite
Cellulite – everyone knows what it is and we all hate it. With good reason – it looks awful, it’s hard to shift and it can make you feel really self-conscious when wearing bathing suits or shorts. It can be hard to relax, even when sitting at the beach or […]
How to get rid of cellulite in a month with 3 ingredients that we have in our own house
There are plenty of procedures out there nowadays to help you get rid of your cellulite quickly, but very many of them are either not guaranteed to work for long or can be very expensive. More and more people, therefore, are looking for cheaper and easier ways of reducing the […]
The 11 Best Foods For Cellulite Reduction – Find out What They are Here
It is very likely that, at some point in your life, you will suffer from cellulite. There’s nothing to be ashamed about – it is perfectly natural and it will affect the majority of people. However, it certainly isn’t a nice thing, especially if you enjoy wearing short shirts, shorts […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: When Your Hand and Wrist Hurt & You Don’t Know What to Do
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition involving the hand and the arm. This condition is characterized by tingling and numbness in the hand/arm and is a result of a pinched nerve in the wrist. There are several different factors that can contribute to this condition, including: Anatomy of your wrist […]
Is Interstitial Cystitis Your Worst Enemy? Here’s How to Fight It
Interstitial Cystitis, also referred to as IC, is a condition resulting in discomfort and/or pain in the bladder and pelvic area. The symptoms often vary from one person to the next and will even vary in various occurrences in the same individual. Individuals experience a range of symptoms from mild […]
The Truth About Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS, is a very common disorder affecting the large intestine. Common symptoms of IBS include: Cramping Bloating Diarrhea Abdominal pain Constipation Gas This is a chronic condition that there is no cure for- you will need to manage your symptoms over the long term. Even […]
How to Prevent and Relieve Leg Cramps with Home Remedies
Although leg cramps can be temporarily debilitating and extremely painful, they usually do not indicate a serious medical condition. Leg cramps involve a single muscle or a group of muscles that usually work together to move your leg. Muscle cramps have four main causes: Injuries Vigorous Activity Dehydration Rest Cramps […]
Overactive Bladder: When You Always Have to Go
Overactive bladder is a common condition characterized by bladder storage malfunctioning resulting in sudden urges to urinate. These urges are often very difficult to stop and the condition of overactive bladder could lead to incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine. If you have this condition, chances are that you […]
Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Pregnant?
Are you and your loved one looking to find a way that can help you to be more likely to become pregnant? There are a number of women who that, every year, are trying to become pregnant. It can be a stressful process and, for many, they don’t always get […]
Is Pungent Urine a Symptom of Fibromyalgia?
It’s hard to know what the true symptoms of fibromyalgia are, because the symptoms are so various, so small and so big, and can be easily confused with the symptoms of another disease. For a person who suffers from fibromyalgia whether they know it or not, even the littlest physical […]
Things You Need to Know about Tests and Screening During Pregnancy
Embarking on the journey of pregnancy can be a wonderful experience. However, it can also be pretty daunting to a first-time mother-to-be who has no idea what to expect now that her annual trips to the gynecologist have become far more frequent visits, filled with tests, monitors and ultrasounds. The […]
9 Tips for Fighting Off Morning Sickness
One of the biggest problems that many moms deal with when they are pregnant is that they can’t take care of their morning sickness in an effective manner. They come across all sorts of different issues that make morning sickness that much worse – food, activity, and even just going […]
How Does the Body Change During Pregnancy?
When you’re a mom that is looking to see how your body is going to change as you go along in your pregnancy, you have a lot of things that you will have to look at and think about. The differences are going to vary from person to person as […]
7 Best Things You Should Do the Moment You Become Pregnant
As a woman, once you get your period you are aware of the potential to get pregnant and suddenly be responsible for more than yourself. For this reason, there is always the choice to remain abstinent. There is also the choice to seek regularly administered birth control so that you […]
Get Rid of Your Sciatica Once and For All
Sciatica is the pain that radiates along your sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the one branching from your lower back, through your hips and butt and then down each of your legs. In most cases, the condition of sciatica will only affect one side of your body. Most often, […]
Fibromyalgia: When You Hurt and Don’t Understand Why
Fibromyalgia is a condition that results in extreme fatigue and muscle pain. Individuals with this condition have what is referred to as “tender points” on their body. These “tender points” are specific spots on the arms, back, hips, legs, neck, and shoulders that hurt when pressure is placed on them. […]
Know what causes your knee pain
you have chronic knee pain, then you know just how much this pain can affect everyday functioning, from getting up in the morning to playing with the kids, and even just walking to get the mail. For the millions of people who suffer from knee pain, it can be overwhelming […]
Complex Neural Pulse and fibromyalgia
Complex neural pulse is one of the newer fibromyalgia therapies that is gaining ground in the medical world. Complex neural pulse (CNP) is a noninvasive type of treatment that uses magnets to pulse electrical stimulus in the brain. This can help to change patterns and chemical balances. Fibromyalgia is now […]
Making Meaning out of Menopause
Menopause can be a dirty word to some women, but it is something women have been dealing with since the beginning of time, and it doesn’t have to be a scary or painful experience. While there are many negative stereotypes surrounding it, what does menopause mean for a woman? Menopause […]
Why Are Fibromyalgia Sufferers Often Hypoglycemic?
As you likely know, fibromyalgia is a frustrating and often painful disorder that you really have to take care of. It becomes a lot more difficult to treat when you’re also dealing with other types of disorders at the same time. Hypoglycemia and fibromyalgia frequently get mixed up during diagnoses […]
Improving Quality of Life with Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis Explained The term arthritis is a very general term that simply refers to inflammation in the joints. The term osteoarthritis, also referred to as wear and tear arthritis, is the most common form of this disorder. It can occur on nearly any joint in the body and involved a […]
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with Apnea
This is a very common sleep disorder in which the individual has one- or multiple- pauses in their breathing, or even breathes shallowly when sleeping. These pauses in breathing can last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes. They can occur thirty or more times within one […]
Learning Alternative Therapies for Fibromyalgia: Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is used to treat many medical conditions, especially those that are worsened by stress or by having tight muscles. Muscles often tighten due to stress or chronic medical conditions like fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain throughout the body. Being in pain can also make muscles tense, which can […]
Effectively Treating Fibromyalgia Using Over-the-Counter Medications
Pain is one of the most common complaints from people who suffer from fibromyalgia. Many of them often try over-the-counter (OTC) medications to try to relieve the pain they experience, whether it is joint pain, soft tissue pain or headaches. Some OTC medications can provide effective pain relief for some […]
Does the Guaifenesin Treatment for Fibromyalgia Really Work?
It can be hard to sift through all of the different things that are out there that talk about fibromyalgia treatment. Which ones actually work? Which ones are hoaxes? Are you looking to use medication, or are you looking for a more natural way to manage your symptoms? The Guaifenesin […]
RLS: Getting Rest when Your Legs Want to Keep Moving
Restless Leg Syndrome, commonly referred to as RLS, is a neurological disorder that is known by the creeping, pulling, throbbing, or other quite unpleasant sensations in the legs. These sensations are often accompanied by an overwhelming, uncontrollable need to move them. In most cases, moving around can help to calm […]
Marijuana For Fibromyalgia Pain
Marijuana for fibromyalgia pain is something you see discussed a lot on the forums and boards for patients. There are many studies that have been conducted and evidenced gathered, but it never seems to outweigh the public opinion that using marijuana for fibromyalgia pain is a good idea. There is […]
How Can Light Therapy Benefit Fibromyalgia?
The light from the sun is something that grants us life. Because of this, it’s important that we have an understanding of how it works and we utilize different types of light in helping us to be a bit more healthy and flexible. That being said, light therapy has started […]
Exploring the TENS Therapy
For a patient with fibromyalgia, all it takes is for slight pressure to be put on the painful area…and more pain will be felt. What’s worse is that this pain is located throughout the body, and additional symptoms include fatigue, stress, anxiety, difficulty thinking, cognitive impairment, and possible depression. Patients […]
Antidepressant Treatment for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a very difficult disease to deal with. There are so many different symptoms that you can end up having over time, and they may change in terms of severity. Sometimes, new symptoms can come up and make your disorder worse, as well. Mental health problems are common amongst […]
Prominence of Depression with Fibromyalgia
Over 60% of all persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia already suffer from depression. An equally high amount of people with fibromyalgia then go on to develop depression. Science has been trying to isolate the prominence of depression with fibromyalgia as their connection may reveal much that will help in treating both […]
Change your Digestive Enzyme Regimen to Help with your Fibromyalgia
In your search to find things to help with your fibromyalgia symptoms, you should not overlook your digestive system. Your digestive system is where your body draws nutrients from to power your energy on a daily basis. The food you eat and the supplements you take are a necessary part […]
Trying Out Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy and Fibromyalgia
As people who are suffering from fibromyalgia, we’ve all been there. We’ve all tried to figure out what the best course of action is for our treatment plan. Depending on our particular specialist, we may be more apt to try out new treatment plans under their supervision. Every day, more […]
How Effective is Chiropractic Care in Fibromyalgia Patients?
Some people prefer to go with a more natural way of dealing with their fibromyalgia symptoms. There are plenty of supplements out there that can help, and you can also try exercise and physical therapy. Because of that, they may seek out other specialists that can help them deal with […]
Exploring Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder, and many times, it gets mistaken for other disorders. This is because a lot of the symptoms that help to diagnose fibromyalgia are also used to help diagnose other disorders. Multiple sclerosis is one of the many diseases that get mistaken for fibromyalgia and vice […]
Why Use Mirapex for Fibromyalgia?
Sometimes, getting started on the road to recovery when it comes to fibromyalgia can be really difficult. We may have to try a number of different items in order to determine the best one(s) for our particular needs, and our doctor will give us recommendations and such. One medication that […]
Understanding the risk of Serotonin Syndrome and fibromyalgia medications
Serotonin syndrome and fibromyalgia are two “friends” that no one wants to have. They have a complicated history together. Very often, one is misdiagnosed as the other; and they can also come together as mutual syndromes in one person. People with fibromyalgia have a much higher risk of developing serotonin […]
Is Paroxetine Effective in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia?
As you likely know, depression is a common problem for those of us who deal with fibromyalgia. Because of that, it’s common that fibromyalgia sufferers will end up taking some sort of antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication as part of a treatment plan. Sometimes, those same medications end up giving us […]
Ways to Resolve Sleep Issues for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Besides chronic pain, another common problem associated with fibromyalgia is the inability to sleep well. Another symptom that can be worsened due to lack of sleep is morning fatigue. To help sufferers sleep, doctors may prescribe a sleep aid that will help them rest through the night. This will help […]
How Muscle Relaxants can Benefit People Suffering From Fibromyalgia
When people have issues with chronic pain, muscles often become tight, which can easily worsen the pain. Tight muscles can also cause legs, arms or other muscles to ache, which can worsen how someone with fibromyalgia feels because they have to deal with an aching body nearly every day. Tight […]
Is Ramelteon Treatment of Fibromyalgia an option for you?
Ramelteon treatment of fibromyalgia is something that many people are starting to turn to based on their doctor’s recommendations for how to handle sleep disturbances with the disorder. Unfortunately, maintaining a healthy sleep pattern is essential to managing the symptoms of fibromyalgia, but it can be the hardest part of […]
Is Pregabalin An Effective Medication for Fibromyalgia?
Many medications that are used for fibromyalgia usually had another use before it was realized that they would be a good alternative for those suffering from the symptoms of the disorder. What would happen is that some doctors would try some sort of a generic drug to help with a […]
Using Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Fibromyalgia
Vitamins and other nutrients play a significant role in helping to manage health issues, including fibromyalgia. But what sorts of nutrients and chemicals can we use in order to help us out? What role do they play? In this article, we’re going to take a quick peek at two supplements […]
The Top 9 Natural Remedies for Inflammation
Dealing with inflammation is a very painful and frustrating experience, and for those who have chronic inflammation the situation is that much worse. So what happens if you don’t want to use prescription or over the counter pain medication and you want to look for a natural way to deal […]
Tricyclic Anti-depressants and Fibromyalgia
Antidepressants have been known to help those with fibromyalgia for a while now, and because of that, doctors will often include them in a treatment plan, even if you don’t have any signs of mental health issues quite yet. The group of antidepressants that seem to have the most impact […]
Innovative Help for your Fibromyalgia through the Art of Music
Music therapy is the art of using music to change the way a person psychologically and physically feels. For fibromyalgia patients, music therapy can help with relaxation, stress reduction and pain management. Through the use of a trained music therapist, or by using your own program, music therapy can be […]
Tanning Treatments and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disease that affects as much two percent of all adults in the United States of America, and the overwhelming majority of those two percent are women. Fibromyalgia is also more likely to develop in older individuals as well. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include pain in the […]
For a Healthier Life, Let Go of Stress
Families of those suffering from fibromyalgia have long thought that there must be a genetic link to the disease. It only stood to reason, they would argue, because so many people in one family were suffering. Now, there is new research that hints at a genetic connection. The research focuses […]
The Healthy Benefits of Dance Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Dance therapy is a movement-based therapy that can help with both the physical and psychological symptoms of fibromyalgia. Through dancing, you can reduce your anxiety and muscle tension as well as increase your mood and muscle tone. Whether you decide to take individual lessons or a class, dance therapy has […]
Healing Fibromyalgia Through the Mind
For a patient afflicted with fibromyalgia, it’s too easy to focus more on the physical aspect of the disease more than the mental part of it. Nonetheless, fibromyalgia is very much as mental as it is physical. Yes, you feel chronic pain throughout your body and that’s bad, but you […]
Can Aromatherapy Help Treat Fibromyalgia?
Aromatherapy is a type of therapy that has been tested and tried many a time. There are so many things that scents can do to the mind, it’s no wonder that it’s become a popular type of “alternative” therapy for those who are looking for relief from physical and mental […]
Effects of Hydrotherapy on Fibromyalgia
The water is something that we are naturally drawn to for one reason or another. Because of this, we’ve been able to discover that there are a lot of ways that we can utilize water in order to help relieve and reduce pain and other symptoms related to fibromyalgia and […]
Relaxation Therapy for Fibromyalgia
One issue that many of us with fibromyalgia have is learning how to relax. Anxiety is always quite high, which makes it difficult for us to deal with our symptoms. That being said, relaxation therapy has become incredibly popular among fibromyalgia sufferers. What is relaxation therapy? And what does it […]
4 Shocking Natural Remedies to Banish Anxiety Forever
Having anxiety can be incredibly stressful and, without some help, you may find it difficult for you to go through your daily routine and the things that you like to do on a regular basis. That being said, there are a lot of different things that you can do naturally […]
Sleep Apnea: Natural Alternatives to Get the Rest You Need
Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing is frequently interrupted during sleep. Sleep apnea results in breathing becoming very shallow often resulting in a person being kept in light sleep because their natural sleep rhythm meets with interference. It can also cause the person to gasp for breath suddenly. It’s […]
6 of the best natural remedies for diabetes
What is diabetes and who is at risk from it? There are two types of diabetes that have been discovered and researched. They are commonly called simply ‘type 1’ and ‘type 2’. Type 2 diabetes is the most common of these two types. Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease […]
Cupping Therapy for Fibromyalgia
There are definitely a number of different treatments that people may see as “out of the ordinary” when it comes to fibromyalgia treatment. This is likely because the pain can be such a difficult thing to deal with, and as a result, we’re willing to try almost anything in order […]
5 Natural Ways To Help With Depression Symptoms
Depression can be an incredibly frustrating struggle for you to deal with, and it’s incredibly important to make sure that you are able to get the help that you need in order to deal with your problems. While many people decide that they will need medication,others find the relief that […]
Natural Ways to Manage Your Lupus
Lupus is a condition that shows up as an issue with the immune system. This issue results in an attack on healthy cells and tissue in the body, which can lead to damage to the joints, skin, heart, lungs, kidneys and even the brain. Lupus is more common in women […]
15 Easy To Use Natural Ways to Overcome Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome is a condition that occurs when there are throbbing sensations in the legs, causing the person to move continually and usually uncontrollably while trying to sleep. These feelings are called paresthesias and are the result of a neurological disorder. Sleep deprivation as a result of this condition […]
Learning Alternative Therapies for Fibromyalgia: Trigger Point Therapy
There are many different types of alternative treatments for fibromyalgia, but their ability to help relieve widespread pain can be limiting. Many of these therapies only target specific areas of the body, such as muscle pain in shoulders, thighs, back of the head, the neck or chest. Tight, painful muscles […]
19 Tips to Relieve the Pain of Psoriatic Arthritis Naturally
Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by inflammation of both the skin as well as the joints. It is a chronic condition that presently affects about 2 percent of the population of Caucasians in the United States. It is identified by telltale red raised patches of skin that are usually scaly and […]
How to Use Natural Remedies to Relieve or Prevent Gas and Bloating
At some time in their life, everyone experiences bloating and gas on their stomachs. It can come from eating certain foods, from being sick with the flu, especially the stomach flu, or simply from needing to defecate. Stomach pain from having gas and bloating can range from mild to severe, […]
10 Top Natural Remedies For Treating Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a very common condition that is marked by widespread pain with tenderness and other arthritic type conditions. The word “fibro” is from Latin and means fibrous tissue and myo is Greek for muscle. Algia or pain refers to the fact that the condition affects the muscles. While it’s […]
Best Natural Ways to Cope with and Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Often the first symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are ignored by people because they are associated with other medical causes. Some of the most common symptoms involve a tingling or numbness of your hands or wrists. This can go on for months before sharp pains shoot from your wrist and […]
22 Alternative Ways to Treat Multiple Sclerosis the Natural Way
Multiple Sclerosis is an immune mediated condition in which your body reacts abnormally to the immune system. Specialists consider the condition to be immune mediated in lieu of an autoimmune condition. The body tends to attack the central nervous system or CNS which is comprised of the spinal cord, the […]
Eating a Raw Food Diet to Beat Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms to the Curb
Fighting the symptoms of fibromyalgia involves making lifestyle changes and diet changes. If you are interested in trying a new way of eating to help kick your symptoms to the curb, consider a raw food diet that is rich in vegetables. Raw foods offer the entire nutrients you need to […]
Top 22 Natural Joint Pain Treatments
When it comes to joint pain, there are many natural remedies that will help to ease your pain. You don’t always have to rely upon heavy duty pain medications. There are many causes of joint pain and many people fail to recognize that they can do something about it all […]
Laugh your Way into your Fight Against Fibromyalgia
Combating fibromyalgia is an ongoing task that involves many different aspects. Learning to beat your own thought processes, your own way of living can sometimes be just what you need to make your fight into a winning one. Use laughter and humor to fight against fibromyalgia and beat it. Humor […]
Exploring Natural Ways to Find Relief for Your Bronchitis Symptoms
We have all had that sensation where our throats annoyed us and we wanted to make sure that we didn’t have some sort of cold or flu. In some cases, we may end up having what is called bronchitis. It’s a lot better to deal with bronchitis in a natural […]
11 Best Natural Remedies for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder can be a crippling illness to deal with. This one is often referred to as manic depressive and can end up taking over a person’s entire life. It affects the person both mentally and physically to a point that it becomes almost impossible to go about their daily […]
6 Easy Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
What are menstrual cramps and why do they happen? Menstrual cramps are the pains that very often accompany a period, or menstruation, which typically happens once every 28 days to women. The pain can range from excruciating to mildly annoying, but it is frustrating that those that suffer from it […]
Beginner’s Cellulite Workout Routines
What if you could reduce your cellulite in just 30 minutes per day? Would you be willing to do it? What if it involved exercise? Would a simple 30-minute workout be worth the effort? These simple steps can help you to reduce your cellulite in just 30 minutes per day. […]
Top 15 Best Ways to Conquer Insomnia Naturally
Insomnia is something that can strike people of all ages and can be a chronic issue or something you suffer from here and there. No matter how frequent insomnia hits the fact of the matter is that it is literally exhausting to deal with. It affects the person’s ability to […]
Lifestyle Changes and Natural Remedies For Gout Relief
Natural remedies are something that we find to be incredibly important here, and we believe that they can be used in a wide variety of ways. Gout, which is something that many of us have heard of, but many of us don’t know a lot about and don’t really know […]
Best Ways To Heal An Extremely Irritated Esophagus Naturally
When you are dealing with an extremely irritated esophagus, you might be dealing with a more severe case known as esophagitis. These infections that cause the irritation can come from a variety of viruses, fungi and other harmful forms of bacteria that will cause the lining of your esophagus to […]
10 Options To Treat Your Lactose Intolerance Naturally
Many of the foods that we enjoy in the world are made using milk, cheese and other types of dairy. But imagine having to adjust how you prepare favorite foods like pizza, cheeseburgers and some Italian pasta dishes. There are people who are either born with or develop lactose intolerance […]
10 Simple Natural Remedies for Dealing With Stress
Stress can be one of the most difficult parts of life to deal with. Whether you are an important businessperson who has to attend a lot of meetings and presentations every day, mixed with a lot of travel, or you have children as a stay-at-home parent who is trying to […]
The best natural remedies for menopause
What is the menopause and who can suffer from it? Menopause is a period of a woman’s life where menstruation first of all starts to slow down and then stops altogether. It usually happens to women between the ages of 45 and 55, although sometimes it can start in younger […]
10 Natural remedies provide safer way to handle acid reflux
What is acid reflux disease? Have you ever felt a very painful burning that feels like it originated from your chest and is trying to erupt up your esophagus and throat? That pain may be the result of acid reflux and it is one of the most unpleasant conditions that […]
The Best Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis and How They Help You
As people get older, they are more likely to succumb to the common condition known as Rheumatoid Arthritis, also known as RA.Basically, RA is when one’s joints in their knees, elbows and/or hands become inflamed due to the body’s immune system attacking the tissues and the joint’s cartilage. Usually the […]
What is sciatica and how can you treat it naturally?
Sciatica is one of the more painful conditions that many suffer with. The pain caused by sciatica usually starts within the lower region of your back, spreads through the hips and your butt and then travels down each of your legs. The most common cases of sciatica usually stem from […]
How natural methods of handling kidney stones are more beneficial
One of the most painful things any person can experience – because childbirth is not something a man is able to do physically – is the passing of a kidney stone that can feel like you are trying to push out a jagged rock while urinating. It’s worse if you […]
The best natural remedies for coping with interstitial cystitis
What is interstitial cystitis? Interstitial cystitis, also called painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic illness, most often suffered by women, in which the patient experiences extreme and often constant bladder pressure and pain. The pain can range from mild to severe and is often not the same for all sufferers, […]
How Gabapentin and Fibromyalgia work together in your body
Gabapentin and fibromyalgia may seem like an unusual combination, but it is a medication that has proven to provide significant relief for those that suffer from the chronic pain of the disease. Gabapentin is more commonly known by its trade name, Neurontin. It is gaining such widespread acceptance as a […]
The best natural remedies for lung cancer
What is lung cancer? Lung cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the lungs. It is particularly dangerous because cancers of the lung naturally grow very closely to the heart and other major organs, which increases the chances of the spread of the cancer to other areas of […]
The 5 best natural remedies for prostate cancer
What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer affects the prostate gland in men. This gland is an important part of the reproductive system and works to control hormone levels. While we tend to talk about “prostate cancer” as if there was only one kind, that isn’t true. Primary and secondary cancers […]
The top 3 natural ways to cope with type 2 diabetes
What is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes in the world. Where type 1 typically appears when you are young and is largely hereditary, type 2 is considered to be a lifestyle disease and can appear at any point in your life. Type […]
The best natural remedies for breast cancer
What is breast cancer and why is it so dangerous? Breast cancer can occur in both men and women, although women tend to be more susceptible to it because they usually have bigger chests than men. It is a dangerous type of cancer, which is a disease characterized by cell […]
How to prevent and cope with overactive bladder using natural remedies
What is mean by an ‘overactive bladder’? Overactive bladder is a chronic condition that has not yet got a cure. It occurs when there is a problem with the bladder storage function, causing a sudden and desperate need to pass water. Most people who suffer from the condition find it […]
All Natural Remedies For Knee Pain
Many of us don’t give it a second thought about moving our legs over the side of the bed and standing up, however, for others who are suffering from joint pain and forms of arthritis and other conditions, their freedom of movement is limited. This can cause knee pain and […]
How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite besides Losing Weight?
Most websites and books will tell you that losing weight is one sure way to get rid of your cellulite. However, this is not strictly true, and it is not an option for many people. Sometimes losing weight would not benefit your overall health – and, of course, this has […]
4 Exercises to Remove Cellulite on your Thighs
Most people at one time or another will suffer from cellulite: it’s one of the most natural things in the world. That means that you are not the only person trying to find the best ways to get rid of it. Because it is so common, however, there are plenty […]
Grapefruit Cellulite Cream
There are a lot of so called ‘miracle’ cures for cellulite out there. After all, it’s a very common problem, mainly amongst women but also amongst men. However, before you invest your time, money and effort in an anti-cellulite method, you’ll want to make sure that it actually works. Eat […]
7 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Before Summer!
Cellulite is a nightmare, and at no point is it more frustrating than in the build-up to summer. We all want to feel comfortable and confident with our bodies, and we’d rather not show off our legs and bums if we feel they are not look at their best. Cellulite […]
9 Morning Rituals To Get Rid Of Pesky Cellulite
The word cellulite is a fancy word to say that there is fat under the skin. Cellulite pushes against the connective tissues under your skin and makes it appear bumpy, hence the term ‘cottage cheese thighs’. If you’ve ever looked in the mirror after a shower and seen this, you’re […]
Flax Seed Tea and Cellulite
Cellulite is a very common problem, more often affecting women, but also affecting a large number of men. And no, it doesn’t just affect people who are bit overweight: skinny people can suffer from cellulite, too. This means that no one is safe from developing those unsightly dimples on their […]
Get Rid of the Cottage Cheese on Your Thighs?
Cellulite is not attractive; something that becomes patently self-evident when you dig out your bikini for that long awaited summer holiday and realize, to your horror, that your thighs and buttocks resemble cottage cheese. The summer is the time at which is becomes most obvious who is suffering from cellulite […]
5 Best Cellulite Creams That Work
Cellulite is that fatty dimpled area that you see on your thighs, abdomen, breasts, hips and sometimes other areas of your body. It’s a well-known fact that if your mom had cellulite, you’re very likely to have it as well. On average, one person in four will suffer from cellulite […]
9 At Home DIY Cellulite Remedies
Cellulite, those cottage cheese like little bumps that you see on your hips and thighs and sometimes other areas of your body, are frustrating. There’s often no rhyme nor reason for their existence and you’re left feeling frustrated and embarrassed by their very existence. It doesn’t have to be that […]
Struggling to Get Rid of Your Cellulite? Try these Five Weird Cures!
It is safe to say that more people than ever are struggling with their cellulite. If you want to wear the latest fashions, go swimming or visit the beach, you might feel self-conscious about the way your thighs look. Although plenty of people do suffer from cellulite, sometimes it can […]
Summer’s ready and waiting; are you?
Summer is here! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and that skimpy little bathing suit is waiting for you. However, you might be slightly worried about showing off your figure, whether it is because you spent the winter months putting on a bit of extra weight (perfectly healthy […]
Cellulite slowing you down? Not for much longer!
There are definitely occasions in life where you will either want or need to show off your legs. Usually, there is no problem, but if you are suffering from cellulite you may feel a little bit self conscious about the way your thighs look. After all, cellulite is not terribly […]