What is cholesterol

Defining the cholesterol – keep your good cholesterol levels good

What is cholesterol

What is cholesterol?

When you hear about the word good cholesterol or bad cholesterol then what is your immediate reaction or what does run in your mind? You can’t get the actual meaning of the cholesterol and its levels unless you study the proper definition of cholesterol and you will be required to define cholesterol in order to get the exact meaning of good or bad cholesterol.

A lot of people get worried when they hear the term cholesterol. People think that cholesterol in any form or shape is harmful for health. Cholesterol and its levels are always associated with the heart diseases like stroke, heart attack and hypertension etc.

But as a matter of fact, cholesterol runs in our body in two forms. One is good cholesterol which is commonly known as HDL or High Density Lipoprotein and the other is known as bad cholesterol LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein.  We should understand that cholesterol only becomes a threat to our health when its amount in our body increases.

We need cholesterol to survive

The presence of cholesterol in our body can’t be so dangerous but its presence in the arteries can be a real alarming situation. To understand the definition of cholesterol it is important to understand that what kind of foods have what kind of cholesterol in them.

Medical experts know that cholesterol in itself is not bad because our body needs cholesterol to survive. But if the amount of cholesterol is exceeding in the blood continuously then it is a real alarming situation and it can cause serious damages to our heart and different parts of body.

Plant foods also produce cholesterol

The human body generates the cholesterol because a maintained level of cholesterol is very important for health. Dietary cholesterol is consumed by many foods including vegetables and fruits. These foods add significant volume of cholesterol in our body. Even plant foods generate some cholesterol in our body.

Having said that plant foods do not produce any kind of cholesterol in our body can be a very dangerous statement. This is also a fact that cholesterol produced by plant foods like fruits and veggies is very minimal. But cholesterol produced by plants must also be considered.

What is cholesterol number?

It is suggested that when you attain the age of 20+ then you should have a medical assessment such as cholesterol numbers assessment in order to understand the proper definition of cholesterol. Understanding the value of proper cholesterol numbers assessment is very important so that you can take appropriate steps to answer the possible problems coming up from great LDL blood veins cholesterol level.

High levels of bad cholesterol in the blood can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Your blood cholesterol usually rises as you get mature and reach the age of adulthood. There are usually no symptoms that you have high-cholesterol, but it can be recognized with a blood assessment. You are likely to have high-cholesterol if your household members have it, if you are obese or if you eat a big amount of saturated fat.

Facts about cholesterol and its levels

Actually cholesterol is a substance like lipid which can be broadly defined as fat soluble, natural occurring molecules such as oils and fats.  Cholesterol is produced in the body system by natural means via the liver organ. On the flip side, it can also be created in small amounts through your diet. Cholesterol levels plays an important part in the body-system as a foundation for cell walls and bile acids and it is needed to produce hormones and vitamin-D.

A low level of cholesterol in the blood vessels is natural and healthy. Cholesterol levels only become a problem when there is more cholesterol in the blood vessels than one’s human demands. It can cause the build-up of fatty deposits in the blood stream, reducing blood vessels circulation in blood stream and may subsequently become a problem for a heart health.

There is a big list of factors that may cause bad cholesterol levels in your blood. The most common cause of high cholesterol levels in the blood is high saturated fats or eating too much fat via meats. High consumption of harmful saturated fats can cause LDL cholesterol levels in the body that can lead to various heart diseases and health threats.

We can see that high saturated fats are normally found in various foods including milk, fatty meat, butter, chips, pizza, burger, snakes, chips and many other foods especially chicken.

Low cholesterol diet keeps your cholesterol level low

Genetics and eating plan are the two most common reasons for high-cholesterol in the human body system. However, you may not do anything about what you inherited genetically; you can always control your daily eating plan to keep the cholesterol levels maintained, as required by the human body system. A level of high-cholesterol results in building up of a waxy substance plaque in your arteries that blocks the blood circulation.

Slowly but surely, it brings a dysfunctional organ and may be cardiac arrest as well. A planned cholesterol levels diet is essential to keep it in control. The fact is that minimum levels of cholesterol are always required for your body system as it helps in repairing cell membrane, and in producing some useful hormones. On the other hand, after a certain stage, it is extremely dangerous to have high-cholesterol levels in your body system.

Plan what you eat and see what kind of meals can help you cut your cholesterol levels. There are some meals that can reduce your cholesterol; while others can help it not rising beyond the required stage. Usually, you should reduce fat intake and avoid greasy and meals that are fried. Since body fat are the main sources of calories, substitute the body fat intense diet plan by natural meals such as fruits and veggies, and more of carbohydrate food.

Low cholesterol diet

A number of foodstuffs are very excellent for low cholesterol levels. You should have sea food, at least once in a week. A few kinds of sea food contain omega 3 unhealthy acid that allows you lower blood cholesterol levels. Decrease your fat consumption. A low cholesterol eating plan should include more of carbohydrate food such as apples and carbohydrates.

These are excellent sources of energy and these take care of the benefits that you might miss because of staying away from fat. While purchasing foods from market that are prepared, roasted or backed read the label carefully and see there should not be any soaked natural oils. On top of that, have lots of natural foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

These are rich source of fiber that your demands for many reasons. Celery, brown grain, green beans, barley and beans form a very excellent low cholesterol eating plan. A widely recommended herb ispaghula also allows you reduce cholesterol levels, if used regularly.

You can even have soy products to control cholesterol levels in your body system. Research has revealed that soy dairy products allows in decreasing cholesterol levels. Whenever possible, have at least 2 to 3 cups of soy milk every day. Nevertheless, there are a wide range of soy products sweetening such as sweets and ice creams.

Examine the glucose content and the amount of calorie consumption in those items and choose the one that do not have too much calorie consumption. In real sense, a low cholesterol level eating plan does not require healthy changes in your diet; instead, it only requires using different ways of cooking. For instance, if you are in the habit of having soups or salad, try having spud healthy salad.

Just cut some boiled potatoes into thin pieces and put all of these into plain, low fat yogurt. Serve all of these with fresh chive, or even with vegetables. This is a good low cholesterol eating plan that is full of carbohydrate food and nutritional supplements.

Regular walk can reduce bad cholesterol

The walk is the best method for reducing weight and keeping good rate of heart. Walking regularly by hills or flat land not used to significantly reduce cholesterol levels and glucose levels, according to a research by many researchers. In analysis that was performed including 45 men & women, who for 16-weeks training performed to file the impact of muscle work on the value of fat and glucose in the blood vessels.

Their final results indicate that the level of fat tissues in the blood vessels, i.e. cholesterol and triglycerides, low in the person who consistently walk. Walking at least 6 kilo meters manages and strengthens the body’s functions. Always perform recommended exercising practice, the best is walking normally.

You should make walking a routine because it will significantly bring down the bad levels cholesterol in the blood. Regular exercise also gives strength to our heart and lowers the LDL cholesterol and hence, saves us from many health diseases. Regular walk is also very good for our digestive system because it grows the appetite and improves digestion.

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